jiwoncpark / h0rton

Deep Modeling of Strong Gravitational Time Delay Lenses for Bayesian Inference of the Hubble Constant
MIT License
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Issue/21 #26

Closed jiwoncpark closed 4 years ago

jiwoncpark commented 4 years ago

This branch implements the hybrid method, i.e. the method that further optimizes the BNN posterior with a likelihood on the image positions (feeding the observed image positions as data with a reasonable astrometric uncertainty of ~5mas) jointly with the likelihood of time delays.

The main script is h0rton/infer_h0_mcmc.py (analogous to h0rton/infer_h0.py) which uses utility functions in h0rton/h0_inference/h0_utils.py and should be very similar to the catalogue modelling.ipynb notebook in Lenstronomy Extensions.

I expect this PR thread to include a discussion of speed as well as a science review. Engineering-wise, I had questions about implementing the following necessary functionalities:

sibirrer commented 4 years ago

Hi Ji Won, I see that the tests are failing. Is it possible for you to fix this? For your second point, I just added a routine in lenstronomy.Cosmo.cosmo_solver which does that (it's very simple). I also changed some definitions to be compatible with PEP8, so you might want to pull the latest lenstronomy version to see whether you can find use of it.

sibirrer commented 4 years ago

Hi Ji Won, I don't see the file h0rton/infer_h0_mcmc.py in the PR nor in the branch. Did you add it to git?

jiwoncpark commented 4 years ago

@sibirrer I've been very lazy with updating tests. I'll work on it today.

jiwoncpark commented 4 years ago

Profiler results:

Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.003    0.003   33.416   33.416 infer_h0_mcmc.py:28(main)
        1    0.000    0.000   23.171   23.171 fitting_sequence.py:49(fit_sequence)
        1    0.000    0.000   23.170   23.170 fitting_sequence.py:188(mcmc)
        1    0.000    0.000   23.167   23.167 sampler.py:114(mcmc_emcee)
        1    0.000    0.000   23.165   23.165 ensemble.py:360(run_mcmc)
       41    0.001    0.000   23.165    0.565 ensemble.py:199(sample)
       81    0.014    0.000   23.114    0.285 ensemble.py:392(compute_log_prob)
     6970    0.030    0.000   23.085    0.003 ensemble.py:543(__call__)
     6970    0.025    0.000   23.055    0.003 likelihood.py:140(logL)
       40    0.018    0.000   22.489    0.562 red_blue.py:52(propose)
     6962    0.087    0.000   22.120    0.003 likelihood.py:153(log_likelihood)
     6962    0.109    0.000   12.389    0.002 mcmc_utils.py:157(evaluate)
     6962    0.029    0.000   11.449    0.002 gaussian_nll.py:244(__call__)
     6962    1.229    0.000   11.200    0.002 gaussian_nll.py:140(nll_mixture)
    13924    5.533    0.000    8.468    0.001 gaussian_nll.py:78(nll_low_rank)
     6962    0.037    0.000    6.809    0.001 position_likelihood.py:52(logL)
     6962    0.679    0.000    6.437    0.001 position_likelihood.py:150(source_position_likelihood)
        1    0.000    0.000    4.503    4.503 train_val_config.py:32(from_file)
        1    0.000    0.000    4.502    4.502 train_val_config.py:16(__init__)
        1    0.007    0.007    3.671    3.671 train_val_config.py:108(set_XY_metadata)

The custom_logL_addition function (the BNN loss function) takes quite a bit of time. I expected the CPU-GPU-CPU data transfers to be bad. I was planning to make a numpy version of the loss function anyway for testing and replacing the GPU loss function with the numpy version will help speed up the script. Until then, I'll run inference on the CPU.