jiwoongbio / FMAP

Functional Mapping and Analysis Pipeline for metagenomics and metatranscriptomics studies
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FMAP_module.pl problem #21

Open dabby12 opened 2 years ago

dabby12 commented 2 years ago

Dear sir: I am doing a functional comparison for two group of samples. I used ngless to do the KEGG based profiling. And I tried to use FMAP for my function comparison. I am having a problem for my FMAP_module.pl comand. It complained that my fisher test failed because of such error.

Problem while running this R command: p.value <- fisher.test(matrix(c(18,13,4776,-2406), 2), alternative = "greater")$p.value

Error: fisher.test(matrix(c(18, 13, 4776, -2406), 2), alternative = "greater") : all entries of 'x' must be nonnegative and finite Execution halted

However, the same script FMAP_module.pl works fine for the example dataset. I tried to modify the script to print something. my $test= $orthologyCount - $moduleOrthologyCount - $targetOrthologyCount + $moduleTargetOrthologyCount; print $orthologyCount,",",$moduleOrthologyCount,",",$targetOrthologyCount,",",$moduleTargetOrthologyCount,",",$test,"\n";

the result looks like this. 2401,31,4794,18,-2406 2401,12,4794,7,-2398 2401,20,4794,13,-2400 2401,15,4794,10,-2398 2401,1,4794,1,-2393 2401,6,4794,4,-2395 2401,6,4794,4,-2395 2401,5,4794,5,-2393 2401,40,4794,27,-2406 2401,6,4794,5,-2394 2401,34,4794,22,-2405 2401,9,4794,7,-2395 2401,9,4794,6,-2396 2401,12,4794,6,-2399 2401,4,4794,3,-2394 2401,14,4794,9,-2398

This made me to think about the kegg orthology I used. They came from the result of gene profiling by eggnog. I noticed that many Ks were not in your KEGG database. (You seem to use KEGG_orthology.txt for profiling?? ) I think the variable represent the meanings. Please kindly explain what are their meaning and how you calculated them They are all based on orthology in KEGG_orthology2module.txt ??? $orthologyCount ---- total orthology count ??? $moduleOrthologyCount ---- total orthologyCount in this module ??? $targetOrthologyCount ---- orthologyCount passed ???
$moduleTargetOrthologyCount ---- orthologyCount of passed in this module ???

Please kindly suggest,
