jixxed / ed-odyssey-materials-helper

Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Helper
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can't read/find the journals #1

Closed GALDART closed 2 years ago

GALDART commented 2 years ago

Is it necessary to install in a specific folder? he cannot read my journals.

jixxed commented 2 years ago

it reads the files from %userprofile%\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous

Do you have another location configured? What game client/OS are you using?

jixxed commented 2 years ago

this link describes a similar problem: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/cannot-find-player-journal-log.405782/

You might need to create the folder yourself or set correct permissions. When the game creates journal files in the specified location, the application will start working.

your install location should not be a factor.

GALDART commented 2 years ago

my game is from steam, I'm using windows 10 version 20h2, my game is installed in the default folder and the journals are in the default folder too (%userprofile%\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous), other programs like EDMC, EDDDiscovery and EDEngineer read journals normally.

when opening ed-odyssey-materials-helper everything is blank, as if he was not finding the journals.

Captura de tela 2021-06-08 160359 Captura de tela 2021-06-08 160148

jixxed commented 2 years ago

It reads only the latest Journal file. Did you happen to run Horizons last?

GALDART commented 2 years ago

‎Ele lê apenas o último arquivo do Jornal. Por acaso você executou horizons por último?‎

i have just logged in odyssey mode, i just closed the game and reopened to generate a new journal, and the program remains blank.

if you need more specific information to try to find out what is going on i can provide it.

Captura de tela 2021-06-08 195125

GALDART commented 2 years ago

ok, i discovered the problem, it was the language of my game, i play in portuguese, i changed the language to english and it detected the materials.

jixxed commented 2 years ago

verified the issue. fixed in the 1.7 version!

jasehuss commented 2 years ago

I have this same issue, I have 1.25 installed, win 10. Game is installed on D: default folder. my Journals are definately located on C: drive at the path shown at the bottom of the helper. image

jixxed commented 2 years ago

@jasehuss can you create a new issue for this? this one is closed. Please share you latest journal after logging into elite and starting the application. also share the backpack.json and shiplocker.json files.