jixxed / ed-odyssey-materials-helper

Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Helper
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[BUG] Ship Editor content overflow #281

Closed Mef45 closed 1 month ago

Mef45 commented 1 month ago

Following the recent update introducing the Ship Editor, there's an issue where the content displayed within it overflows the available space, rendering it impossible to view it entirely.

Env: win 11, resolution 2560x1600, scale 150%

The layout scheme of hardpoints on the ship does not fit within the screen. Additionally, the Armour is cropped by 1/3 and cannot be scrolled through.


The list of available ship mounting points does not fit horizontally even though I've scrolled through it as much as possible (it's simply impossible to scroll further than what is shown on the screenshot)

jixxed commented 1 month ago

you can collapse the menu ( < button above the tabs) the UI is currently not designed to be responsive and is targeted for 1920x1080@100% with default text size