jixxed / ed-odyssey-materials-helper

Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Helper
192 stars 31 forks source link

Wrong Data #283

Open ZanyScum opened 1 month ago

ZanyScum commented 1 month ago

I am only doing on foot missions currently and I very often see this: I do something which consumes materials, like upgrading a rifle, and the helper does still show other recipes as green, as if the materials were there. I need to go to the main menu with Elite and "continue" with solo again to see the correct data.

jixxed commented 1 month ago

Not sure what you are talking about here. can you perhaps share an image of the issue?

ZanyScum commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I knew what I was talking about, so I did not give any context and did not make sense. Sorry. Bad bug report :-)

I attached a screenshot, but it is just about the color of the recipes shown in the wishlist. If I have 3 green and I am at an engineer and use one of the recipes and there is not enough material for the other two recipes or even the same again, then still all three recipes will stay green. Only by going back to the main menu do I get a refresh of the colors of the recipes.


It is not something I need or so, it is just a bug, so I thought you'd like to know.

jixxed commented 1 month ago

Very strange, because materials for crafts are subtracted when you engineer something. Perhaps the game isn't updating the journal for performance reasons. When you enter your ship you get a full inventory update/reset in the journal so no need to go to the main menu. I will check if I can reproduce the issue. thanks for the report!