jixxed / ed-odyssey-materials-helper

Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Helper
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FC endpoint warning on startup #288

Open frfrh opened 1 month ago

frfrh commented 1 month ago

Whenever I start EDOMH I get a warning that the FC endpoint returns empty response, asking me if I own a FC. Which I actually don't. But I also can not find a setting to turn off this warning. Am I missing something?


jixxed commented 1 month ago

Yes the api is only used for fleetcarrier data so the warning lets you know it has disabled fetching data. There was the intention to use the api for more but fdev never implemented additional data for loadouts. You can just disable the api as long as you don’t own a fleetcarrier or ignore the message.

frfrh commented 1 month ago

You mean the "Frontier API Integration" setting is only needed if you have a fleet carrier? That wasn't clear to me, I thought this will pull other data as well. Maybe add a short hint to the text of the setting to make it more clear. Something like

Only needed of you own a Fleet Carrier.