jiyanggao / Video-Person-ReID

Video-based Person ReID Method Implementations on MARS
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out of memory problem #5

Closed Fungungun closed 6 years ago

Fungungun commented 6 years ago


Thanks for your work. I got out of memory problem during test. I then printed out the shapes of images and found that it crashed when I got imgs.shape=[65, 4, 3, .., ..] and it seems like I need to process 65 * 4 images on the GPU card in one shot. I guess this is a problem even I've got 12GB GPU memory.

So I am wondering how you deal with this problem? Did you just use a gpu card with enough memory or you did anything else? Please let me know and much appreciate your work.

Update: I was using torch 0.4 , python 3.6. I have switched to torch 0.3 and python 2.7 and so far it works fine.
