May be stored in the file. (e.g. list of pairs, etc)
from django.utils.text import slugify
CATEGORIES = ('Census Tract', 'Census Block', 'Census Block Group', ...)
CATEGORY_CHOICES = [ (slugify(x.upper()), x) for x in CATEGORIES]
class JoinTarget(models.Model):
category = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=CATEGORY_CHOICES)
Categories should be standard geospatial identifiers and preferably have a format that may be machine-validated. (e.g. A Census Tract is 6 digits--zero-padded, etc.)
Are there are already standard types in GeoNode 2.x?
For the "JoinTarget" model, add a Category field.
Categories should be standard geospatial identifiers and preferably have a format that may be machine-validated. (e.g. A Census Tract is 6 digits--zero-padded, etc.)