jjaimealeman / wdb-get-good-with-git

A collaborative repo for the members of the Udemy course: The Web Developer Bootcamp - by Colt Steele.
MIT License
7 stars 8 forks source link

INTRODUCTIONS!!! First pop in here and say hello! #4

Open jjaimealeman opened 2 years ago

jjaimealeman commented 2 years ago

Welcome everyone and thank you for participating in this experimental project.

Drop a comment below and tell us where your from? How long have you been interested in coding for the Web? What are your other hobbies? Where are you from?

Or any other question & answers that you wish to share with the group :D

Shakti111 commented 2 years ago

Hii my name is shakti i talked to u on facebook

jjaimealeman commented 2 years ago

Hii my name is shakti i talked to u on facebook

Welcome amigo 😁

Now make a folder with your name in the /users folder 👍

nev333 commented 2 years ago

Hey, I'm Ryan. I started the web developer boot camp course a few months ago, and have appreciated Jaime's helpful comments in the facebook group ever since. I'm here to learn, I need a change of career. I've been a landscaper for all my working life, unfortunately it's a job that is brutal on your body, back especially. Good job that I've found an interest in web development. Now I just need to work towards getting a web dev job. I live in New Zealand

jjaimealeman commented 2 years ago

Hey, I'm Ryan. I started the web developer boot camp course a few months ago, and have appreciated Jaime's helpful comments in the facebook group ever since. I'm here to learn, I need a change of career. I've been a landscaper for all my working life, unfortunately it's a job that is brutal on your body, back especially. Good job that I've found an interest in web development. Now I just need to work towards getting a web dev job. I live in New Zealand

Hey hey Mr. Ryan! Glad to have you on-board with us here!

I'm pretty excited to start this little project with you all. Hopefully we attract more users to make this bigger. For now it's just some static HTML/CSS/JS, but later I want to bring in some NodeJS modules, probably Snowpack as I feel that Webpack is a little too complicated for our use.

For now I have a simple task for you!

I see you have already forked the repo, so go ahead and add a folder under /users with your name as the foldername, and include a simple readme.md in there. Submit a PR.

Then here's another one ;) https://github.com/jjaimealeman/wdb-get-good-with-git/issues/6#issue-1033824201

aaron-watts commented 2 years ago

Hi Ryan and Shakti. I've completed the readme but it's a little empty so I'll introduce myself here. I've always played with code since I was little and I taught myself some BASIC, I played around with various languages like C++ and Java as short lived hobbies, but I started taking coding more seriously about 2 and a half years ago. I have learnt Python3, and Fullstack Javascript, both to levels that I'm happy with and can build projects, although there is always more to learn! I also dabble in bash scripting and C. My other hobbies are playing skateboards, riding my bicycle, and building various electronics projects with the raspberry pi single board computers. I live and work in London. Currently my job is to manage a skatepark, but I would like to move in to web development soon.

Shakti111 commented 2 years ago

impressive aaron! i have also learned python3 . I would love to make a python project with you

jjaimealeman commented 2 years ago

I also dabble in bash scripting

@aaron-watts My bashing is pretty weak but I managed to put together a couple of scripts that help me out quite a bit. Could I get your expertise on them?

I have a lot to learn. I took a break from the Udemy course to play around with other projects :)

A simple bash screenshot script that writes my filename as I like.


A simple Unsplash image downloader with width & height options.

aaron-watts commented 2 years ago

Honestly, by dabble, I mean that I hack away foolishly at the kernel whilst consulting google for whatever I might need :D It looks as though you may be more educated than myself with bash. However, long switch statements make me cringe, so I took the liberty of refactoring your unsplash user input down to a while do loop:


aaron-watts commented 2 years ago

@Shakti111 I am always keen to collaborate :)

jjaimealeman commented 2 years ago

so I took the liberty of refactoring your unsplash user input down to a while do loop:

DUDE! I have much to learn! lol

I hacked that together from several snippets I found on StackOverflow and reddit. It took me just over 2 days of Googling and testing. You brought my file size down from 4.1k and 136 lines, down to 2.1k and 62 lines! 😮

Thank you!

dvdmon commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, I'm an old developer who's trying to learn new tricks. :) I just finished Colt's course on Github and recommend it. It's a very helpful intro to Git and Github, but you really have to do the exercises a lot and even then a lot of this stuff (for me anyway) doesn't get solidified until I'm doing something "real." So this repository is a great learning experience. I actually use Bitbucket for my job, but had only used the GUI, so while I understood kind of the basic concepts of branches, check-ins, pull requests, commits, etc., the GUI obscures so much of that, that your knowledge is only kind of surface level.

aaron-watts commented 2 years ago

Look forward to working with you @dvdmon
I have done most of the git course too, and I still have to refer back to my notes before being sure whether to use a git restore/reset/revert!

Shakti111 commented 2 years ago

@dvdmon would love to work with you man!!!