jjallaire / draftpod

Draft simulator for Magic the Gathering
MIT License
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Looking for feedback on Feature Request: MTGA Shared Draft #74

Open ClayBenson94 opened 3 years ago

ClayBenson94 commented 3 years ago

I'd like to start off by saying I'd be happy to take a crack at implementing this feature myself, but wanted to run it by the maintainers of this repo for an initial round of feedback.

Draftpod has served me quite well in a sort of niche way. The workflow that a friend and I have right now is:

  1. Export our card libraries from MTGA. You can enable advanced logging in MTGA's settings - in which case MTGA will export a log file that contains a copy of an entire player's card pool
  2. Run a script that compares 2..N players MTGA cardpools and finds the cards that are shared (both by ID and by quantity) between those players
  3. Convert that shared list into one that can be imported into Draftpod

What this yields is a Draft pod custom card pool that promises that each player will be able to draft 100% of the deck from.

I'd love to see an integration of this type built right into Draftpod - I'd imagine the following flow:

  1. The room host selects a set, as normal
  2. The room host would select "MTGA Shared Cardpool" image
  3. The host would enter the number of human players
  4. The host would upload the appropriate number of MTGA player logs. image
  5. When "Use Cardpool" is clicked, Draftpod would filter each player log so only the card from the selected set remain, then would find the common set between all the files. If it's enough to start a draft, a link would be generated with the custom cardpool. If not, an error would display saying that not enough cards are owned between the players.

I'm sure there's UX tweaks that could be made to this flow - happy to hear the thoughts of the maintainers/authors on this!

jjallaire commented 3 years ago

Hi @ClayBenson94, glad you are getting good use out of Draftpod's multiplayer features! While as you know Draftpod can be used as a single-player simulator, the entire reason I built it was multi-player (specifically wanted to do 1v1 drafts and drafts with 2-4 players).

I think the UI idea you have would work fine. If it seems too involved to add this to Draftpod, you could also make your script available as a standalone "utility" website (but I agree it would be better to have it integrated into Draftpod).

One disadvantage of using the shared cardpool is that many players will have a bunch of common and uncommon wildcards kicking around so even with a pretty limited collection they could draft the whole set. To do a draft at all you actually need a pretty good sized cardpool, and if all of the players meet this threshold it's likely that they also have the extra wildcards. Your experience might be different than this though, I'm just speculating based on what I've seen w/ my own account and those of the people I play with regularly.

wertercatt commented 2 years ago

Chiming in on this thread to note that Wizards disabled collection data in the logs, but https://github.com/Razviar/mtgap restores the functionality by pulling collection data from memory and writing it to its own logs.