jjb-hub / IGOR_phd

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On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value #26

Closed jjb-hub closed 8 months ago

jjb-hub commented 9 months ago

FP (firing property issues) JJB230830/t44 see bellow in function extract_FI_slope_and_rheobased_threshold() Screen Shot 2023-11-27 at 16 03 25

AP (application functions)

18 shows this issue with trace JJB230830/t41 ... but seems to run now

error message same = ** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value

jjb-hub commented 9 months ago


FP type file



AP type file


/Users/jasminebutler/Desktop/IGOR_phd/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/lib/polynomial.py:628: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide

lhs /= scale

** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value

** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value

** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value

** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value

** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 5 had an illegal value

** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value

jjb-hub commented 9 months ago

here is my pip list incase we have conflicts from there ? (.venv) (base) DeepPsycExplorer-2:IGOR_phd jasminebutler$ pip list Package Version

appnope 0.1.3 asttokens 2.2.1 backcall 0.2.0 Brotli 1.0.9 certifi 2023.5.7 cffi 1.15.1 charset-normalizer 3.1.0 comm 0.1.3 contourpy 1.0.7 cssselect2 0.7.0 cycler 0.11.0 Cython 0.29.35 debugpy 1.6.7 decorator 5.1.1 et-xmlfile 1.1.0 executing 1.2.0 fonttools 4.39.4 html5lib 1.1 idna 3.4 igor 0.3 importlib-metadata 6.6.0 ipykernel 6.23.1 ipython 8.12.2 jedi 0.18.2 joblib 1.2.0 jupyter_client 8.2.0 jupyter_core 5.3.0 kiwisolver 1.4.4 lazy_loader 0.2 littleutils 0.2.2 matplotlib 3.6.3 matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 nest-asyncio 1.5.6 numpy 1.19.0 openpyxl 3.1.2 outdated 0.2.2 outlier-utils 0.0.3 packaging 23.1 pandas 1.4.4 pandas-flavor 0.5.0 parso 0.8.3 patsy 0.5.3 pexpect 4.8.0 pickleshare 0.7.5 Pillow 9.5.0 pingouin 0.5.3 pip 23.1.2 platformdirs 3.5.1 prompt-toolkit 3.0.38 psutil 5.9.5 ptyprocess 0.7.0 pure-eval 0.2.2 pycparser 2.21 pydyf 0.6.0 Pygments 2.15.1 pyparsing 3.0.9 pyphen 0.14.0 python-dateutil 2.8.2 pytz 2023.3 pyzmq 25.1.0 requests 2.31.0 scikit-learn 1.2.2 scipy 1.9.3 seaborn 0.11.2 setuptools 67.8.0 six 1.16.0 sklearn 0.0.post5 stack-data 0.6.2 statannot 0.2.3 statannotations 0.5.0 statsmodels 0.14.0 tabulate 0.9.0 threadpoolctl 3.1.0 tinycss2 1.2.1 tornado 6.3.2 traitlets 5.9.0 typing_extensions 4.6.3 urllib3 2.0.2 wcwidth 0.2.6 weasyprint 59.0 webencodings 0.5.1 wheel 0.40.0 xarray 2022.9.0 zipp 3.15.0 zopfli 0.2.2

jjb-hub commented 9 months ago

@debapratimj this was your old notes - I am cleaning up the requirements txt

pythong 3.8.5 - DJ working on spyder

(base) C:\Users\debap\IGOR_phd>pip list

Package Version

----------------------------- -------------------

alabaster 0.7.13

anaconda-client 1.7.2

anaconda-navigator 1.10.0

argon2-cffi 20.1.0

arrow 1.2.3

astroid 2.15.4

asttokens 2.2.1

async-generator 1.10

atomicwrites 1.4.1

attrs 21.2.0

autopep8 2.0.2

Babel 2.12.1

backcall 0.2.0

backports.functools-lru-cache 1.6.4

backports.tempfile 1.0

backports.weakref 1.0.post1

bcrypt 4.0.1

beautifulsoup4 4.9.3

binaryornot 0.4.4

black 23.3.0

bleach 3.2.1


brotlipy 0.7.0

certifi 2020.6.20

cffi 1.14.5

chardet 4.0.0

click 8.0.1

cloudpickle 2.2.1

clyent 1.2.2

colorama 0.4.6

colorspacious 1.1.2

comm 0.1.3

conda 4.10.1

conda-build 3.20.5

conda-package-handling 1.7.3

conda-verify 3.4.2

contourpy 1.0.7

cookiecutter 2.1.1

cryptography 3.4.7

cycler 0.10.0

Cython 0.29.25

debugpy 1.6.7

decorator 4.4.2

defusedxml 0.6.0

diff-match-patch 20230430

dill 0.3.6

docstring-to-markdown 0.12

docutils 0.19

entrypoints 0.3

et-xmlfile 1.1.0

exceptiongroup 1.1.1

executing 1.2.0

filelock 3.0.12

flake8 6.0.0

fonttools 4.39.4

future 0.18.2

glob2 0.7

idna 2.10

igor 0.3

imagesize 1.4.1

importlib-metadata 6.6.0

importlib-resources 5.12.0

inflection 0.5.1

iniconfig 2.0.0

intervaltree 3.1.0

ipykernel 6.23.0

ipython 8.12.2

ipython-genutils 0.2.0

ipywidgets 7.5.1

isort 5.12.0

jaraco.classes 3.2.3

jedi 0.18.0

jellyfish 0.11.2

Jinja2 3.0.0

jinja2-time 0.2.0

joblib 1.2.0

jsonschema 3.2.0

jupyter 1.0.0

jupyter-client 8.2.0

jupyter-console 6.2.0

jupyter-core 5.3.0

jupyterlab-pygments 0.1.2

keyring 23.13.1

kiwisolver 1.3.1

lazy-object-proxy 1.9.0

libarchive-c 2.9

MarkupSafe 2.0.1

matplotlib 3.7.1

matplotlib-inline 0.1.6

matplotlib-scalebar 0.8.1

mccabe 0.7.0

menuinst 1.4.16

mistune 0.8.4

mkl-fft 1.3.0

mkl-random 1.2.1

mkl-service 2.3.0

more-itertools 9.1.0

mpmath 1.2.1

mypy-extensions 1.0.0

navigator-updater 0.2.1

nbclient 0.5.1

nbconvert 6.0.7

nbformat 5.1.3

nest-asyncio 1.4.1

notebook 6.1.4

numpy 1.20.2

numpydoc 1.5.0

olefile 0.46

openpyxl 3.1.2

packaging 23.1

pandas 1.1.3

pandocfilters 1.4.2

paramiko 3.1.0

parso 0.8.0

pathspec 0.11.1

pexpect 4.8.0

pickleshare 0.7.5

Pillow 8.2.0

pip 21.1.1

pkginfo 1.7.0

platformdirs 3.5.0

plottools 0.2.0

pluggy 1.0.0

prometheus-client 0.8.0

prompt-toolkit 3.0.38

psutil 5.8.0

ptyprocess 0.7.0

pure-eval 0.2.2

py-cpuinfo 8.0.0

pycodestyle 2.10.0

pycosat 0.6.3

pycparser 2.20

pydocstyle 6.3.0

pyflakes 3.0.1

Pygments 2.15.1

pylint 2.17.4

pylint-venv 3.0.1

pyls-spyder 0.4.0

PyNaCl 1.5.0

pyOpenSSL 20.0.1

pyparsing 2.4.7

PyQt5 5.15.9

PyQt5-Qt5 5.15.2

PyQt5-sip 12.12.1

PyQtWebEngine 5.15.6

PyQtWebEngine-Qt5 5.15.2

pyrsistent 0.17.3

PySocks 1.7.1

pytest 7.3.1

python-dateutil 2.8.2

python-lsp-black 1.2.1

python-lsp-jsonrpc 1.0.0

python-lsp-server 1.7.2

python-slugify 8.0.1

pytoolconfig 1.2.5

pytz 2021.1

pywin32 306

pywin32-ctypes 0.2.0

pywinpty 0.5.7

PyYAML 5.4.1

pyzmq 25.0.2

QDarkStyle 3.1

qstylizer 0.2.2

QtAwesome 1.2.3

qtconsole 5.4.3

QtPy 2.3.1

requests 2.25.1

rope 1.8.0

Rtree 1.0.1

ruamel-yaml-conda 0.15.100

scikit-learn 1.2.2

scipy 1.10.1

seaborn 0.11.0

Send2Trash 1.5.0

setuptools 52.0.0.post20210125

sip 4.19.13

six 1.15.0

sklearn 0.0.post5

snowballstemmer 2.2.0

sortedcontainers 2.4.0

sounddevice 0.4.1

soupsieve 2.2.1

sphinx 7.0.0

sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.4

sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2

sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 2.0.1

sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1

sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3

sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5

spyder 5.4.3

spyder-kernels 2.4.3

stack-data 0.6.2

sympy 1.9

terminado 0.9.1

testpath 0.4.4

text-unidecode 1.3

textdistance 4.5.0

threadpoolctl 3.1.0

three-merge 0.1.1

tinycss2 1.2.1

toml 0.10.2

tomli 2.0.1

tomlkit 0.11.8

tornado 6.3.1

tqdm 4.59.0

traitlets 5.9.0

typing-extensions 4.5.0

ujson 5.7.0

urllib3 1.26.4

watchdog 3.0.0

wcwidth 0.2.5

webencodings 0.5.1

whatthepatch 1.0.5

wheel 0.36.2

widgetsnbextension 3.5.1

win-inet-pton 1.1.0

wincertstore 0.2

wrapt 1.15.0

xlrd 2.0.1

xmltodict 0.12.0

yapf 0.32.0

zipp 3.4.1

debapratimj commented 9 months ago

Found typo in code: Change cell_ID to cell_id as key under metabuild_functions.py

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/owner/Desktop/random/RUN.ipynb Cell 3 line 1 8 L5a_TLX_df = df.loc[(df['cell_type']=='L5a_TLX')& (df['data_type']=='AP')] 9 L5a_TLX_df ---> 11 expandFeatureDF(L5a_TLX_df) 12 # 13 # #BREAKS ON 14 # FP type file (...) 25 # On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 5 had an illegal value 26 # On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value

File ~/Desktop/random/module/metabuild_functions.py:156, in expandFeatureDF(filename_or_df) 153 df=filename_or_df 155 og_columns = df.columns.copy() #origional columns #for ordering columns --> 156 df['mouseline'] = df.cell_ID.str[:3] 157 df = df.apply(_handleFile, axis=1) #Apply a function along an axis (rows = 1) of the DataFrame 159 #ORDERING DF internal: like this new columns added will appear at the end of the df in the order they were created in _handelfile()

File ~/Desktop/random/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.py:5139, in NDFrame.getattr(self, name) 5137 if self._info_axis._can_hold_identifiers_and_holds_name(name): 5138 return self[name] -> 5139 return object.getattribute(self, name)

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'cell_ID'

debapratimj commented 9 months ago

Issue exists in igor_exporter() function,

Traceback returns np.array of zeros though data exists,

ETA: Friday eve/Sat morning latest

jjb-hub commented 8 months ago

jumped on the branch today and I am still getting the same error:

** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value

I ran this cell in the RUN notebook: Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 25 17

and have several files that have this error: Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 37 06 Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 37 27 Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 37 42

PN: i see that when i look at the finished df the column 'error' does not have this message in it but it is printed out in the run of getorbuildExpandedDF(), I will look into this now on my branch as there is evidently something wrong with my handling if the error and traceback columns. This includes the following errors:

Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 38 30 Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 38 51 Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 39 06 Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 39 24 Screen Shot 2023-12-24 at 14 39 36

debapratimj commented 8 months ago

error message same = ** On entry to DLASCLS parameter number 4 had an illegal value " Issue caused due to extract_FI_x_y function that had an incorrect logic on how the x values (current injection values) would be calculated and it would give us a bunch of zeros. Then np.polyfit would fail to do a linear fit on x,y as all the x values were the same. extract_FI_x_y was corrected so the error no longer appears. Solved on dj_issues26&28 and merged with jasmine branch.