jjburton / cgmTools

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Owl | Proxy #126

Open jjburton opened 3 years ago

jjburton commented 3 years ago

Build 1

jjburton commented 3 years ago

Build 2

Wing base arm template


For next build

jjburton commented 3 years ago

LIMB mControlFollowParentBank.masterGroup.parent = self.d_module['mModuleParent'].rigNull.controlIK

Fails when parent block doesn't have controlIK

jjburton commented 3 years ago

Proxy cast SOOOOOO slow...

_d = {'ballBase' : 1,'ballMode' : 'loft','extendToStart' : 1,'hardenEdges':1} ml_joints = mBlock.moduleTarget.rigNull.msgList_get('moduleJoints') mBlock.atUtils('mesh_proxyCreate', ml_joints,firstToStart=True,**_d)



I found it I think.

Need to revisit this call: GEO.get_vertsFromCurve. Taking this out of proxy build is twice as fast.

Added hardenEdges flag to BLOCKUTILS.mesh_proxyCreate

jjburton commented 3 years ago

Post setups

import cgm.core.rig.constraint_utils as RIGCONSTRAINT reload(RIGCONSTRAINT) RIGCONSTRAINT.wing_temp(RIGCONSTRAINT.d_wiring_r_owl) RIGCONSTRAINT.wing_temp(RIGCONSTRAINT.d_wiring_r_owl,mode='') RIGCONSTRAINT.wing_temp(RIGCONSTRAINT.d_wiring_l_owl) RIGCONSTRAINT.wing_temp(RIGCONSTRAINT.d_wiring_owlTail)

MRSPOST.SDK_wip(cgmMeta.asMeta(RIGCONSTRAINT.d_wiring_r_owl['modules'])) MRSPOST.SDK_wip(cgmMeta.asMeta(RIGCONSTRAINT.d_wiring_l_owl['modules'])) MRSPOST.SDK_wip(cgmMeta.asMeta(RIGCONSTRAINT.d_wiring_owlTail['modules']))

jjburton commented 3 years ago

Wing demo prep

benngarnish commented 3 years ago
  • [ ] Bug from Benn...

LIMB mControlFollowParentBank.masterGroup.parent = self.d_module['mModuleParent'].rigNull.controlIK

Fails when parent block doesn't have controlIK

Is this closed now @jjburton