jjchiw / gelf4net

GELF log4net Appender - graylog2
MIT License
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gelf http Async DoAppend slow #73

Open mathieuchateau opened 4 years ago

mathieuchateau commented 4 years ago


Using Gelf http Async, with DoAppend. Even if it's meant to be async, submitting 50K loggingeventdata through doappend is quite slow, around 10 minutes. I tried to play with number of threads and buffersize, but it doesn't look to change anything in speed.

Any clue ?

Thanks in advance,

jjchiw commented 4 years ago


I'll have to make some tests.....

I'll call @iwillspeak here, if he can give us some insights about the http async

iwillspeak commented 4 years ago

I have to admit we haven't used this library to push to Graylog for quite some time. Despite our best efforts it proved a challenge to prevent the publishing of logs to Graylog from having an impact on our service itself. We have switched to file logging + a log shipper instead. We use Beats to ship to Graylog and Fluentd to ship to SackDriver.

In general for high throughput the GelfUdpAppender seems to be a batter option. I've never used the HTTP appender for anything other than the simplest of applications. You have to deal with the potential of dropped log messages with that appender though.