jjcollinge / traefik-on-service-fabric

Azure Service Fabric now has support for Traefik!
MIT License
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CI for Traefik on Windows containers #47

Open jjcollinge opened 6 years ago

jjcollinge commented 6 years ago

Investigate the best way to have an open continuous integration of Traefik on Windows containers and where to host the resulting Docker image.

@askw @flmader

lawrencegripper commented 6 years ago

So had a bit of a look and appveyor looks like it might do the trick here https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-environment/ they list docker for windows containers as being installed on their build vms

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AviMualem commented 6 years ago

I think it can be amazing to have an image in docker hub just like the Linux based one - https://hub.docker.com/r/_/traefik/

The docker image should be able to get dynamically a pre made toml file and in addition i think it needs also to get url as parameter so upon TLS based configuration .pem and .crt files could be downloaded during the container bootstrap. that will make sure the image is generic enough for every use case.