local workbook = xls.Workbook(filename) -- can not use utf8 filename
local sheets = workbook:GetTotalWorksheets()
print("total sheets=" .. sheets) --1, OK
if sheets > 0 then
local sheet = workbook:GetWorksheet(0) --OK only if contains ANSI characters
io.write("sheet name=")
print ( sheet:GetSheetName(0) )
local cell = sheet:Cell(0, 1) --wstring
if cell ~= nil then
io.write(("%10s"):format(tostring(cell:GetWString()))) ----OK only if contains ANSI characters
In summary ,the Excel file can not contains non-ANSI characters, or 'APPCRASH' would happen on MSVCR100.dll ,code=c0000005 (I built it with vs 2010 express)
In summary ,the Excel file can not contains non-ANSI characters, or 'APPCRASH' would happen on MSVCR100.dll ,code=c0000005 (I built it with vs 2010 express)
Is there any way workaround ? Thank you!