jjethwa / rundeck

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Unable to upgrade from 3.3.5 to 3.3.7 #186

Closed vaughnmb closed 3 years ago

vaughnmb commented 3 years ago

I am unable to upgrade from 3.3.5 to 3.3.7. Only thing I see in the error log is find: '/var/lib/rundeck/cli': No such file or directory

When I "source" the /etc/rundeck/profile, I get an error message saying: find: '/var/lib/rundeck/cli': No such file or directory

Here are the logs when I run a "docker logs" on the container.

Generating locales (this might take a while)...

Starting Supervisor... It can take anywhere from 30 seconds up to a few minutes for the UI to become available depending on your container/host VM resources. All further output is stdout/stderr from the supervisor process.

Generation complete. 2021-01-25 11:22:57,357 CRIT Supervisor is running as root. Privileges were not dropped because no user is specified in the config file. If you intend to run as root, you can set user=root in the config file to avoid this message. 2021-01-25 11:22:57,357 WARN For [program:rundeck], redirect_stderr=true but stderr_logfile has also been set to a filename, the filename has been ignored 2021-01-25 11:22:57,357 WARN For [program:mysql], redirect_stderr=true but stderr_logfile has also been set to a filename, the filename has been ignored 2021-01-25 11:22:57,357 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/rundeck.conf" during parsing 2021-01-25 11:22:57,371 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized 2021-01-25 11:22:57,372 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking 2021-01-25 11:22:57,372 INFO supervisord started with pid 408 2021-01-25 11:22:58,375 INFO spawned: 'fatalservice' with pid 411 2021-01-25 11:22:58,379 INFO spawned: 'rundeck' with pid 412 2021-01-25 11:22:58,381 INFO spawned: 'mysql' with pid 413 READY 25.01.2021 11:22:58.389 - Starting mysql find: '/var/lib/rundeck/cli': No such file or directory 25.01.2021 11:22:58.396 - Starting rundeckdStarting MariaDB database server: mysqld2021-01-25 11:22:59,410 INFO success: fatalservice entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2021-01-25 11:22:59,414 INFO success: rundeck entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2021-01-25 11:22:59,414 INFO success: mysql entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

jjethwa commented 3 years ago

Hi @vaughnmb

Sorry to hear that. Can you provide the service.log and rundeck.log?

vaughnmb commented 3 years ago

rundeck.log is empty and service.log contains very little info

root@3acf87b4b0ae:/var/log/rundeck# cat rundeck.log root@3acf87b4b0ae:/var/log/rundeck# cat service.log [2021-01-25T13:30:48,261] INFO rundeckapp.Application - The following profiles are active: production

Configuring Spring Security Core ... ... finished configuring Spring Security Core

vaughnmb commented 3 years ago

After around 15 minutes of letting the container start up, you get this in the rundeck.log and service.log. It looks like it starts, it is just slow to start.

root@5e538a57a305:/var/log/rundeck# cat rundeck.log [2021-01-25T15:25:31,375] WARN beans.GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor [main] - Invalid JavaBean property 'exceptionMappings' being accessed! Ambiguous write methods found next to actually used [public void grails.plugin.springsecurity.web.authentication.AjaxAwareAuthenticationFailureHandler.setExceptionMappings(java.util.List)]: [public void org.springframework.security.web.authentication.ExceptionMappingAuthenticationFailureHandler.setExceptionMappings(java.util.Map)] root@5e538a57a305:/var/log/rundeck# cat service.log [2021-01-25T15:16:45,858] INFO rundeckapp.Application - The following profiles are active: production

Configuring Spring Security Core ... ... finished configuring Spring Security Core

[2021-01-25T15:25:31,375] WARN beans.GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor - Invalid JavaBean property 'exceptionMappings' being accessed! Ambiguous write methods found next to actually used [public void grails.plugin.springsecurity.web.authentication.AjaxAwareAuthenticationFailureHandler.setExceptionMappings(java.util.List)]: [public void org.springframework.security.web.authentication.ExceptionMappingAuthenticationFailureHandler.setExceptionMappings(java.util.Map)] [2021-01-25T15:25:38,791] INFO rundeckapp.BootStrap - Starting Rundeck 3.3.7-20201208 (2020-12-08) ... [2021-01-25T15:25:38,792] INFO rundeckapp.BootStrap - using rdeck.base config property: /var/lib/rundeck [2021-01-25T15:25:38,806] INFO rundeckapp.BootStrap - loaded configuration: /etc/rundeck/framework.properties [2021-01-25T15:25:38,898] INFO rundeckapp.BootStrap - RSS feeds disabled [2021-01-25T15:25:38,898] INFO rundeckapp.BootStrap - Using jaas authentication [2021-01-25T15:25:38,906] INFO rundeckapp.BootStrap - Preauthentication is disabled [2021-01-25T15:25:38,985] INFO rundeckapp.BootStrap - Rundeck is in PASSIVE MODE: No executions can be run. [2021-01-25T15:25:39,003] WARN rundeckapp.BootStrap - The JVM default encoding is not UTF-8: US-ASCII, you may not see output as expected for multibyte locales. Specify -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 in the JVM options. [2021-01-25T15:25:39,650] INFO rundeckapp.BootStrap - Rundeck startup finished in 944ms [2021-01-25T15:25:39,868] INFO rundeckapp.Application - Started Application in 537.361 seconds (JVM running for 542.215) Grails application running at http://localhost:4440 in environment: production

jjethwa commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the details, @vaughnmb

I'm not sure why it took that long for the instance to become available, it should have been ~5 minutes unless your host is under load. Were you able to access the UI? This log entry seems to indicate that the UI is available:

[2021-01-25T15:25:39,868] INFO rundeckapp.Application - Started Application in 537.361 seconds (JVM running for 542.215)
Grails application running at http://localhost:4440 in environment: production
vaughnmb commented 3 years ago

I was able to access the UI and usually the start up time is ~5 minutes. We weren't under heavy load as this was on the DEV environment. Thanks for looking in to this.