jjh42 / mock

Mocking library for Elixir language
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Mock is crashing process in umbella project #143

Closed Fl4m3Ph03n1x closed 8 months ago

Fl4m3Ph03n1x commented 8 months ago


I have an umbrella project, where I run mix test from the root. In one of the apps, I am mocking the File module using this library.


The issue here is that when I run mix test the process dies, with no error message to show:

Manager.Impl.Store.ReaderTest [test/unit/store/reader_test.exs]
  * test list_syndicates/1 returns the list of all known syndicates [L#496]** (EXIT from #PID<0.98.0>) killed


The code of the test is as follows:

defmodule Manager.Impl.Store.ReaderTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: false

  alias Manager.Impl.Store.Reader

  import Mock

  setup do
      file_io: File,
      paths: [syndicates: ["syndicates.json"]]

  describe "lists syndicates" do
    test_with_mock "returns the list of all known syndicates", %{paths: paths} = deps, File, [],
      read: fn _filename -> {:ok, "[\"utc\"]"} end do
      # Act
      actual = Reader.list_syndicates(deps)

      expected = {:ok, [%Syndicate{name: "UTC", id: :utc, catalog: []}]}

      expected_path = Path.join(paths[:syndicates])

      # Assert
      assert actual == expected

In comparison, the following test (which does not use mock) works just fine:

defmodule Manager.Impl.Store.ReaderTest do
  @moduledoc false

  use ExUnit.Case, async: false

  alias Manager.Impl.Store.Reader

  import Mock

  setup do
      paths: [syndicates: ["syndicates.json"]]

  describe "list_syndicates/1" do
    defmodule FileMockListSyndicates do
      @moduledoc false

      def read(path) do
        assert path == "syndicates.json"
        {:ok, "[\"utc\"]"}

    setup do
        file_io: Manager.Impl.Store.ReaderTest.FileMockListSyndicates

    test "returns the list of all known syndicates",
         %{paths: paths} = deps do
      # Act
      actual = FileSystem.list_syndicates(deps)
      expected = {:ok, [%Syndicate{name: "UTC", id: :utc, catalog: []}]}

      # Assert
      assert actual == expected

To me this is rather surprising. One alternative crashes the process with no error message, while the other makes everything work.

To me, this indicates one of three problems:

  1. A problem with the library
  2. A problem with my setup of the library
  3. A problem with the test that causes the process to crash

Without any information about the error, I can't be sure. However I believe the tests to be simple enough that excluding options 2 and 3 does not seem outlandish.


Why is my process dying, and how can I fix it?

Fl4m3Ph03n1x commented 8 months ago

I now believe this is an issue with :meck https://elixirforum.com/t/mock-is-crashing-process-in-umbella-project/61017/9?u=fl4m3ph03n1x

So I am choosing to close this issue.