jjjake / internetarchive

A Python and Command-Line Interface to Archive.org
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Small (<10kb) files do not upload #619

Closed AwesomeKalin closed 8 months ago

AwesomeKalin commented 8 months ago

I have written code to archive the GDPS Editor 2.2 server as it is due to be shut down within the next 3 months. However, since the majority of levels are under 10kb in size, they just get uploaded as 0 byte files to the IA. Here's my code

import asyncio
import gd
import internetarchive
from os.path import expanduser
from os import remove
import urllib.request
import yarl

async def main(client):
    levelId: int = 426

    print('Starting archive from id ' + str(levelId))

    while(levelId != 0):
        await archive(levelId, client)
        levelId += 1

async def archive(level, client):
    item: internetarchive.Item = internetarchive.get_item('gdps-2.2-level-' + str(level))
    if item.exists:
        return False

    lvl = None

    print('Archiving Level ' + str(level))
        lvl = await client.get_level(level_id=level)

        print('Level does not exist')
        return False

    file = open(expanduser("~") + '/.gdpsarchive/' + str(level) + '.gd', "w")
    print('Downloaded Level, starting archive')
    internetarchive.upload('gdps-2.2-level-' + str(level), expanduser("~") + '/.gdpsarchive/' + str(level) + '.gd', metadata={'creator': lvl.creator.name, 'scanner': 'GDPS Editor 2.2 Archiver', 'title': lvl.name, 'subject': 'gdps;geometry dash;2.2;gdps editor 2.2;gdps editor;level', 'description': lvl.description, 'stars': str(lvl.stars), 'difficulty': str(lvl.difficulty.value), 'song': str(lvl.song.id), 'level-id': level, 'collection': 'gdps-editor-2.2'}, verify=True, retries=20)
    print('Level ID ' + str(level) + ' is archived!')

    item: internetarchive.Item = internetarchive.get_item('gdps-2.2-song-' + str(lvl.song.id))

    if lvl.song.download_url == None or ('newgrounds' in lvl.song.download_url.human_repr()) or item.exists:
        return True

    print('Archiving Song ID ' + str(lvl.song.id))
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(lvl.song.download_url.human_repr(), expanduser("~") + '/.gdpsarchive/' + str(lvl.song.id) + '.mp3')
    print('Downloaded Song, Archiving')
    internetarchive.upload('gdps-2.2-song-' + str(lvl.song.id), expanduser("~") + '/.gdpsarchive/' + str(lvl.song.id) + '.mp3', metadata={'creator': lvl.song.artist.name, 'scanner': 'GDPS Editor 2.2 Archiver', 'title': lvl.song.name, 'subject': 'gdps;geometry dash;2.2;gdps editor 2.2;gdps editor;song', 'description': 'A song archive from the GDPS Editor 2.2 Reupload System. Originally archived for Level ID ' + str(level), 'collection': 'gdps-editor-2.2', 'mediatype': 'audio'}, verify=True, retries=20)
    print('Archiving successful!')
    remove(expanduser("~") + '/.gdpsarchive/' + str(lvl.song.id) + '.mp3')

client = gd.Client()

with client.http.change(url='http://game.gdpseditor.com/server'):

Any help is appreciated!

AwesomeKalin commented 8 months ago

Silly me! I'm used to javascript where we don't close our files to save!