Open ghost opened 13 years ago
I don't follow that -- do you have an example?
Ok. Here is non-working example:
import mechanize
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
br = mechanize.Browser()
# We are Internet Explorer 6.01
br.addheaders = [
('User-agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.01; Windows NT 6.0)')
html = br.response().read()
page = BeautifulSoup(html)
option = page.find('a', 'ddlTypeProduct_MenuItem')
target = option['href'].split("'")[1]
event_target = br.form.find_control("__EVENTTARGET")
event_target.readonly = False
event_target.value = target
on the last line mechanize submit the form by emulating click on the first clickable control in the form (input with type='image' and name='ctl00$MainContent$ddlTypeProduct$db_ddlTypeProduct'). As a result server sends me wrong page.
I need a clear way to simulate submit from javascript, i.e. without clicking on any controls.
Hope this description is better than the first one...
If you automate an ASP.NET site quite often you have to "emulate" javascript handlers in your python code. I have seen a couple of cases then submit should be done after clicking on A tag at the same time form has a clickable control.
Even if I update required hidden controls (__EVENTTARGET) and do browser.form.submit() without arguments, mechanize "emulates" click on the first clickable control and I got wrong result.
It would be very useful if I can use some special argument(s) value to which will result in running HTMLForm._switch_click method even if there clickable controls in the form.