If no tag in metric and defined in statsrelay then it will add statsrelay |#tags to every metric.
This feature should be very helpful with DataDog metrics management and any system supporting tags like InfluxDB backend for example.
We can manage short key in metrics with dimensions defined in tags.
This PR adds support for statsd metrics tags supported by Datadog - https://help.datadoghq.com/hc/en-us/articles/204312749-Getting-started-with-tags
Adds new option metrics-tags which is used to add tags at the end of each metric just like prefix on the beginning. Sending metic with tags:
and statsrelay running with example:
This will produce:
If no tag in metric and defined in statsrelay then it will add statsrelay |#tags to every metric.
This feature should be very helpful with DataDog metrics management and any system supporting tags like InfluxDB backend for example. We can manage short key in metrics with dimensions defined in tags.