I would like to know how i should to to limit the minimum and maximum limit of the bounds (or set a minimum total range) for the Y axis when setYAxisBoundsManual(false), so the bounds are automatically calculated.
The reason why i need that is because when the sensor value is very stable then the bound are increasing and increasing until the noise variations are filling the whole graph, which is a problem because it gives a biased feedback (: the actual noise is very low but there is no limit to the auto-resize of bound so the graph shows huge variations).
I still need the auto bound function because the sensor range is large and thus if i set to manual bounds then the granulosity becomes insufficient once datas are stable and value is low.
Hello, I would like to know how i should to to limit the minimum and maximum limit of the bounds (or set a minimum total range) for the Y axis when setYAxisBoundsManual(false), so the bounds are automatically calculated.
The reason why i need that is because when the sensor value is very stable then the bound are increasing and increasing until the noise variations are filling the whole graph, which is a problem because it gives a biased feedback (: the actual noise is very low but there is no limit to the auto-resize of bound so the graph shows huge variations).
I still need the auto bound function because the sensor range is large and thus if i set to manual bounds then the granulosity becomes insufficient once datas are stable and value is low.