jjohnsnaill / SubworldLibrary

Dimensions in Terraria, made easy.
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Weird screen flickering when entering subworld #30

Closed Thoomana closed 1 year ago

Thoomana commented 1 year ago

Okay so, i'm trying to mess around with the mod to learn how to make subworlds for my own mod, but i ran into some problems. First one is what the title says and second one is that it takes quite long to load even small worlds with just dirt in them (i just copied the example gen pass from the guide) and it seems to get stuck on "clearing map data".

https://github.com/jjohnsnaill/SubworldLibrary/assets/42150607/a2cc3b69-8360-4c82-b8d7-9c34e6880515 (video is x2 btw)

At first i thought that this wasnt a huge deal and it was just a visual bug because at the end it loads just fine, but thats when i ran into another problem. When i tried to use the vanilla terrain gen pass it seem to just get stuck on clearing map again, but this time it didnt flicker. I tried debugging to see whats going on, and when it reached the gen pass it just said "Subworldlibrary.cs not found" and got stuck. I then tried debugging the custom generation i made and every time it flickered it said the same "Subworldlibrary.cs not found", i kept pressing the continue button for i while and it appeared to be in a loop, but then finally it loaded. Im so freaking confused right now. Any help?

Thoomana commented 1 year ago

After messing around a bit, i found out that the flickering was caused by attempting to enter a subworld multiple times in a row while it was still loading, so after fixing that it works perfectly fine... Kinda of. Now the only issue remaining is that vanilla generation doesnt seem to work in the subworld as i mentioned above.