When enable option to bypass "Dynamic Libraries" in Essential Hooks section any Frida script failed execution to bypass or monitor something.
Maybe it is problem in a way how hooks loaded in Frida or how Shadow try to hide dynamic modules loaded into the process.
Spawn this application with Frida (frida -U -f ru.ingos.ingomobile)
Try to run any script (for example simple var current_window = ObjC.classes.UIWindow.keyWindow()
See error:
TypeError: cannot read property 'objc_lookUpClass' of null
at o (frida/node_modules/frida-objc-bridge/index.js:179)
at get (frida/node_modules/frida-objc-bridge/index.js:149)
at <eval> (<input>:1)
at eval (native)
Expected behavior
Frida script sucessfully loaded and execute
Device Information (please complete the following information):
Description When enable option to bypass "Dynamic Libraries" in Essential Hooks section any Frida script failed execution to bypass or monitor something. Maybe it is problem in a way how hooks loaded in Frida or how Shadow try to hide dynamic modules loaded into the process.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
frida -U -f ru.ingos.ingomobile
)var current_window = ObjC.classes.UIWindow.keyWindow()
Expected behavior Frida script sucessfully loaded and execute
Device Information (please complete the following information):