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Relix: add new "autosetfile" Perl script #24

Open targetdisk opened 1 year ago

targetdisk commented 1 year ago

"autosetfile" is a script that is capable of setting HFS file type and creator attributes for entire trees recursively. For more information, please see the "autosetfile -h" help.

Usage: relix/files/usr/bin/autosetfile [-vrh] [-t TYPE] [-c CREATOR] [-e EXTENSION(S)] <FILE> ...

  FILE             A file or path to a subtree with HFS attributes you'd like
                   to change.

  -h               Display this help.
  -v               Print filenames as their types changed.
  -r               Recurse into subdirectories if any FILE is a directory.        
  -t TYPE          Assign FILEs to a TYPE attribute.
  -c CREATOR       Assign FILEs to a CREATOR attribute.
  -e EXTENSION(s)  Set attributes on files matching an extension or suffix.
                   You can specify multiple suffixes by separating them with
                   ':' (colon).