jkaberg / tvhProxy

An small flask app to help Plex DVR connect with Tvheadend
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Incomplete configuration guide #38

Open matej86 opened 7 years ago

matej86 commented 7 years ago


I have successfully installed tvhProxy, but I need a guide in order to configure the "tvhProxy.py" file.

I just edited the "the URL" and I don't understand if this is the right way or not, nor I don't know if I have to configure something else since there is no guide on the internet at all....

from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()

import time import os import requests from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer from flask import Flask, Response, request, jsonify, abort, render_template

app = Flask(name)

URL format: protocol>://<username>:<password>@<hostname:, example: https://test:1234@localhost:9981

config = { 'bindAddr': os.environ.get('TVH_BINDADDR') or '', 'tvhURL': os.environ.get('TVH_URL') or 'http://tvhproxy:tvhproxy@localhost:9981', 'tvhProxyURL': os.environ.get('TVH_PROXY_URL') or 'http://localhost', 'tunerCount': os.environ.get('TVH_TUNER_COUNT') or 2, # number of tuners in tvh 'tvhWeight': os.environ.get('TVH_WEIGHT') or 300, # subscription priority 'chunkSize': os.environ.get('TVH_CHUNK_SIZE') or 1024*1024, # usually you don't need to edit this 'streamProfile': os.environ.get('TVH_PROFILE') or 'pass' # specifiy a stream profile that you want to use for adhoc transcoding in tvh, e.g. mp4 }

discoverData = { 'FriendlyName': 'tvhProxy', 'Manufacturer' : 'Silicondust', 'ModelNumber': 'HDTC-2US', 'FirmwareName': 'hdhomeruntc_atsc', 'TunerCount': int(config['tunerCount']), 'FirmwareVersion': '20150826', 'DeviceID': '12345678', 'DeviceAuth': 'test1234', 'BaseURL': '%s' % config['tvhProxyURL'], 'LineupURL': '%s/lineup.json' % config['tvhProxyURL'] }

@app.route('/discover.json') def discover(): return jsonify(discoverData)

@app.route('/lineup_status.json') def status(): return jsonify({ 'ScanInProgress': 0, 'ScanPossible': 1, 'Source': "Cable", 'SourceList': ['Cable'] })

@app.route('/lineup.json') def lineup(): lineup = []

for c in _get_channels():
    if c['enabled']:
        url = '%s/stream/channel/%s?profile=%s&weight=%s' % (config['tvhURL'], c['uuid'], config['streamProfile'],int(config['tvhWeight']))

        lineup.append({'GuideNumber': str(c['number']),
                       'GuideName': c['name'],
                       'URL': url

return jsonify(lineup)

@app.route('/lineup.post') def lineup_post(): return ''

@app.route('/') @app.route('/device.xml') def device(): return render_template('device.xml',data = discoverData),{'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}

def _get_channels(): url = '%s/api/channel/grid?start=0&limit=999999' % config['tvhURL']

    r = requests.get(url)
    return r.json()['entries']

except Exception as e:
    print('An error occured: ' + repr(e))

if name == 'main': http = WSGIServer((config['bindAddr'], 5004), app.wsgi_app) http.serve_forever()

r4pt0r66 commented 7 years ago

For your: 'tvhURL': os.environ.get('TVH_URL') or 'http://tvhproxy:tvhproxy@localhost:9981',

Means for your Tvheadend (admin user):

Username: tvhproxy (default is admin)
Password: tvhproxy (default is admin)
Address: localhost
Listening on port: 9981

In my configuration I've replaced localhost in the line above and below with the IP address of my Tvheadend, and I have a static IP address assigned to it:

'tvhProxyURL': os.environ.get('TVH_PROXY_URL') or 'http://localhost'

In Plex use your tvhproxy IP address in the format tvhproxy:5004, also assuming your tvhproxy IP address is static. This is probably the same machine your Tvheadend is on.