jkakar / aws-codegen

Code generator for AWS clients in Elixir.
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Support query protocol (SNS, SQS, EC2 and more) #40

Open dstendardi opened 7 years ago

dstendardi commented 7 years ago

Currently, the aws-codegen supports JSON and JSON-rest based services. In order to bring supports for older services, the query protocol has to be implemented.

Query protocol will bring support for services such as * s3, ec2, SNS, SQS.

Moving parts

A quick looks at the other languages SDK shows that there is two mains parts involved in this development :

Erlang and Elixir support

This repository seems to supports both erlang and elixir code generation. As @jkakar says in this issue it would be nice to have the serde code written in erlang, so it can be used in both [aws-elixir]() and aws-erlang


dstendardi commented 7 years ago

Finally managed to get some time to progress 😄. I did a first draft on the query serializer. Basically it's a port of the nodeJS SDK. It still misses specific conditionals regarding the EC2 protocol. I chose to write it in elixir first because I feel confortable with it. If everything works as expected, i will consider writing it in erlang so we can share code between erlang and elixir generated libs. Any feedback is warmly welcomed !

dstendardi commented 7 years ago

@jkakar what do you think about using https://github.com/homanchou/elixir-xml-to-map. Seems very thin wrapper around erlsom doing exactly what we want (convert back xml response to elixir map).

ghost commented 7 years ago

@dstendardi looks like elixir-xml-to-map doesn't do any type casting and keeps everything as strings. Could be misreading it though.

One thing that's nice about sweet-xml is that it can process as lazy seqs and in some cases, take snapshots for example, the response can be huge. Some of our enterprise clients have 100k+ snapshots. Public images is the same way.

dstendardi commented 7 years ago

hello @kingoftheknoll (tried to ping you before but was not able until you join the issue 😋). That's right it's really a dumb ass conversion. I was planning to do static typing in both request and response in another issue, but it might also be considered as a part of this one. If i had to do static typing, I would go for generating structures for requests and response from api specs.
I would also need to generate the sweet xml definition from the api spec. Can you explain a bit about snapshots ?

ghost commented 7 years ago

Sorry for not being available. Yeah I would go that route.

I only mentioned lazy evaluation with sweet xml https://github.com/kbrw/sweet_xml#sweetxml-element-streaming because for certain resources types, depending on the account size, can be quite large. My company harvests AWS api endpoints and for large enterprise customers the number of resources in a response especially snapshots can be a huge number. So being able to parse the xml doc lazily seems like a big win in using sweet-xml. Just something to think about.

jkakar commented 7 years ago

@dstendardi This looks like a great start, thank you! It'd be lovely to see an Erlang version we can use to add support for both Erlang and Elixir, but either way, whatever you choose will be a nice step forward from where we are now.

dstendardi commented 7 years ago

hey @jkakar just tried adding erlang in the project and it works like a charm ! So I'am very looking forward learning the lower layer 😉 and will focus on porting the previous code directly to erlang !

dstendardi commented 7 years ago

Ported the query serializer to erlang. Since it's my first step in Erlang, I'am open to any early feedback :-).

For the query deserialization i plan to go for a first draft with a naive map deserialization which means no streaming (yet) but type handling. I think I will use the following nodejs parser tests as an example

Once I finish with the serde, I may try to introduce static typing with case class in elixir along with case formatting following the language conventions.

IE in elixir :

%ListTopicsResponse{next_token: "whatever"} =  sns.list_topics(%ListTopicsRequest{next_token: "whatever"})

@jkakar do you prefer sticking with AWS case formatting (maybe easier for new user to learn) or to apply case formatting (more idomatic) ?

dstendardi commented 7 years ago

hey ! Did some progress on the deserialization of xml response ! You can check the work here. @kingoftheknoll it's a very naive parser without streaming, but it relays on xmerl, so no extra dependency, and it's a first step. I really think adding streaming would bring some extra complexity I can't handle right now.

jkakar commented 7 years ago

@dstendardi I have a few things going on right now, so I won't get a chance to look at what you've done for at least a couple of days, but thank you for pushing this forward, I appreciate it. Anyway, it's on my todo list, I'll get here as quickly as I can.

dstendardi commented 7 years ago

don't worry, @jkakar, I have enough work right now with the interoperability (ie : Erlang support for binaries, and date conversions). I just write things here to keep track of the progress.

I also cleaned up my todo list, in order to make the PR smaller :-)

dstendardi commented 7 years ago

I am now working on the generated service layer in elixir and I have a few questions 😀

jkakar commented 7 years ago

That all sounds great! I vaguely remember some issues with error messages that led to the current design, but maybe they're resolved now (doing whatever the SDK does is right, IMO).