jkaniuka / magician_ros2

ROS 2 control stack for Dobot Magician educational manipulator.
MIT License
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ERROR::/Dobot Magician/Other/Unhandled Exception #5

Closed fykey closed 5 months ago

fykey commented 8 months ago


I am running Dobot Magician on Ubuntu22.04 on VM Virtual box. The environment is as follows.

Ubuntu 22.04 ROS2 humble memory:8GB CPU 8 Core

I built it according to the read me, but when I checked it with command, rqt -s rqt_robot_monitor, the following error occurred.

Full Name: /Dobot Magician/Other/Unhandled Exception
Component: Unhandled Exception
Hardware ID: 
Level: ERROR
Description: These alarms are software related, not hardware related, and are handled by another part of the control system. If such an alarm appeared, it is best to restart and re-power the robot and notify the maintainer of the package about it (by e-mail or via GitHub).
Quick fix: Check alarm code in Dobot-Magician-ALARM-Description.pdf document and follow the recommendations

When I perform an action, it is rejected as shown below.

$ ros2 action send_goal /PTP_action  dobot_msgs/action/PointToPoint "{motion_type: 1, target_pose: [200.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0], velocity_ratio: 0.5, acceleration_ratio: 0.3}" --feedback

Waiting for an action server to become available...
Sending goal:
     motion_type: 1
- 200.0
- 0.0
- 100.0
- 0.0
velocity_ratio: 0.5
acceleration_ratio: 0.3

Goal was rejected.

The following log is generated in the other terminal. (Actual LED is green)

[ros2 launch dobot_motion dobot_PTP.launch.py-7] [PTP_server-1] [WARN] [1704802521.865999757] [dobot_PTP_server]: Goal rejected because of active alarms (LED diode in the robot base lights up red)

If you know how to deal with it, please let me know. I apologize for my poor English and issue. Thank you for your support.

jkaniuka commented 8 months ago

Hi @fykey :wave:, thanks for letting me know about this issue. I have a suspicion what might be the cause of this bug. I will be working with Dobot Magician next Monday, I will try to fix it and will let you know right away.

jkaniuka commented 8 months ago

Fixes that could probably solve your problem were added in a fork of this repo, so please follow the steps below:

  1. Clone forked repo with fixes:
    git clone https://github.com/GroupOfRobots/magician_ros2.git -b fszyszko2
  2. Build packages and start control system
    ros2 launch dobot_bringup dobot_magician_control_system.launch.py
  3. After the control stack has been launched, make a call to _dobot_alarm_clearservice service:
    ros2 service call /dobot_alarm_clear_service dobot_msgs/srv/ExecuteAlarmClear
  4. Check alarm codes in Diagnostics Viewer.
  5. If there's no active alarms, try to send goal to _PTPaction action server.

Please let me know if this resolves your issue :wink:

jkaniuka commented 7 months ago

@fykey Any update? :thinking:

jkaniuka commented 5 months ago

Please reopen if you still encounter this issue. Closing for now.