jkbrooks / stf-nomic-test

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c #17

Open jkbrooks opened 5 months ago

jkbrooks commented 5 months ago

Description: Develop a system within the Nomic game engine that dynamically applies rule changes proposed and voted on by players. This system should include:

A method for representing rule changes within the game state. A checklist the game engine runs through each turn to verify rule applications. Player turn execution logic, including prompts for player actions and confirmation of rule adherence.


Enable the game to adapt and evolve based on player-made rule changes. Ensure that all players adhere to the current set of rules through automated checks. Facilitate a smooth and engaging turn-based gameplay experience for participants.

jkbrooks commented 5 months ago

1. 📝 Indexing

I'm indexing the files within your repository.

Successfully indexed!

2. 🔎 Searching

I'm searching for relevant snippets in your repository.

The issue has been addressed by gathering all relevant snippets from the main.py file, which contains the implementation of the dynamic system for managing and applying rule changes in the Nomic game engine. The selected snippets include the entire class definitions and logic for:

This comprehensive selection covers the representation method for rule changes, the checklist for verifying rule applications, and the logic for executing player turns, addressing the primary goals of adapting and evolving the game through player-made rule changes, ensuring compliance with the current ruleset, and providing an engaging gameplay experience.

View Snippets https://github.com/jkbrooks/stf-nomic-test/blob/33aeeec9254fcd437f6a74a4af7b69f833c21c60/main.py#L0-L35 https://github.com/jkbrooks/stf-nomic-test/blob/33aeeec9254fcd437f6a74a4af7b69f833c21c60/main.py#L0-L39 https://github.com/jkbrooks/stf-nomic-test/blob/33aeeec9254fcd437f6a74a4af7b69f833c21c60/main.py#L0-L79

3. 🌐 Planning

I'm creating a plan for the discussion and coding steps.

I have created the following workflow as a basis for how the discussion and coding will be derived.

💡 Steps

Modify NomicGame class to include a method for checking rule compliance **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[3, 60]` **Dependencies:** `[]` **Instructions:** `Add a new method in the NomicGame class named check_rule_compliance. This method should iterate over the self.rules dictionary, check if each rule is currently being complied with (for simplicity, assume a method exists on each rule to check compliance, e.g., rule.is_complied()), and print a message for each rule stating whether it is complied with or not. This method will be called at the start of each turn in the take_turn method to ensure all rules are being followed.`
Modify take_turn method to include rule compliance check **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[12, 33]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `At the beginning of the take_turn method, right after printing the player's turn, call the check_rule_compliance method you added in Step 1. This ensures that the game checks for rule compliance at the start of each player's turn, maintaining the integrity of the game's rules throughout the gameplay.`
Modify conduct_vote method to handle tie situations **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[37, 41]` **Dependencies:** `[]` **Instructions:** `In the conduct_vote method, add logic to handle tie situations. If votes_for equals votes_against, print a message stating 'The vote is tied. The proposal fails.' and return False. This ensures that a proposal only passes if it has a clear majority, maintaining fairness in rule changes.`
Modify Rule class to include compliance check method **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[56, 59]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `Add a new method to the Rule class named is_complied. For the sake of this example, this method will simply return True, indicating that the rule is being complied with. In a real scenario, this method would contain logic to check actual compliance based on the game state. This method will be called by the check_rule_compliance method in the NomicGame class.`
Create a method to end the game when all rules are complied with **Action:** `create` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[60, 70]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 2', 'Step 4']` **Instructions:** `Create a new method in the NomicGame class named check_game_end_conditions. This method should check if all rules in self.rules are complied with (using the is_complied method from the Rule class) and if so, set self.game_over to True and print a message stating 'Game over: All rules are complied with.' Call this method at the end of each turn in the take_turn method to check if the game should end.`