jkbrooks / stf-nomic-test

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l #27

Open jkbrooks opened 5 months ago

jkbrooks commented 5 months ago

Objective: Refine the existing Nomic game engine to dynamically apply player-proposed and voted-on rule changes. This includes updating the game state to represent these changes and ensuring all players adhere to the newly implemented rules.


Dynamic Rule Representation:

Update the Rule class to include methods for dynamically adding, updating, and archiving versions of rules based on player proposals. Ensure each rule change is logged with a timestamp for future reference. Automated Rule Compliance Checks:

Implement a RuleComplianceChecker within the game engine that verifies each player's actions against the current set of active rules at the start of their turn. This system should automatically prevent any actions that violate the rules and prompt the player for a valid action. Player Turn Logic Enhancement:

Refine the player turn execution logic to include interactive prompts for proposing rule changes and executing game actions that adhere to the current rules. After a rule proposal, conduct an automated voting process where all players vote on the proposed change. Implement this in a way that supports asynchronous player input. Goals:

Enable the Nomic game engine to be adaptable and evolutionary, reflecting the dynamic nature of the game as influenced by player decisions. Introduce automated checks to ensure consistent adherence to the evolving set of rules, maintaining fairness and strategic depth. Enhance player engagement by streamlining the process of proposing, voting on, and applying rule changes, making the gameplay experience more interactive and fluid. Technical Specifications:

Utilize the existing structure of the NomicGame, Player, and Rule classes as the foundation for these enhancements. Ensure that the changes are backward compatible with the current game logic, particularly focusing on maintaining the integrity of the turn-based system. Provide comprehensive unit tests for each new feature to ensure reliability and stability of the game engine updates. Additional Notes:

Consider incorporating feedback mechanisms for players to suggest improvements to the rule change proposal system, fostering a collaborative and evolving game environment. Explore the possibility of integrating external APIs or data sources for enriching the game context or providing real-time information relevant to rule proposals.

jkbrooks commented 5 months ago

1. 📝 Indexing

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2. 🔎 Searching

I'm searching for relevant snippets in your repository.

The selected snippets relevant to the Github issue for enhancing the Nomic game engine are as follows:

Dynamic Rule Representation

Player Turn Logic Enhancement

These snippets provide the foundation for implementing the requested enhancements to the Nomic game engine, including dynamic rule representation and player turn logic enhancement. The next steps involve expanding the Rule class to support versioning and timestamping of rule changes, integrating a RuleComplianceChecker component for automated rule compliance checks, and refining the player turn logic to include interactive prompts for rule proposals and voting.

View Snippets https://github.com/jkbrooks/stf-nomic-test/blob/33aeeec9254fcd437f6a74a4af7b69f833c21c60/main.py#L0-L79 https://github.com/jkbrooks/stf-nomic-test/blob/33aeeec9254fcd437f6a74a4af7b69f833c21c60/main.py#L0-L35

3. 🌐 Planning

I'm creating a plan for the discussion and coding steps.

I have created the following workflow as a basis for how the discussion and coding will be derived.

💡 Steps

Enhance Rule Class for Dynamic Representation **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[56, 59]` **Dependencies:** `[]` **Instructions:** `Modify the Rule class to include attributes for versioning and timestamping. Import the datetime module at the beginning of the file. Add attributes 'version' initialized to 1 and 'created_at' initialized with the current datetime. These changes will allow tracking the history of rule changes.`
Create RuleComplianceChecker Class **Action:** `create` **File:** `RuleComplianceChecker.py` **Lines:** `[1, 15]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named RuleComplianceChecker.py. Inside, define a class RuleComplianceChecker with a method check_compliance that accepts a rule and a player action. This method should return True if the action complies with the rule, and False otherwise. This class will be used to automate rule compliance checks at the beginning of each player's turn.`
Integrate RuleComplianceChecker into NomicGame **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[3, 11]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 2']` **Instructions:** `In the NomicGame class __init__ method, instantiate the RuleComplianceChecker class and assign it to a new attribute named 'rule_checker'. This will require importing the RuleComplianceChecker class at the beginning of the file. This integration enables the game engine to perform automated rule compliance checks.`
Refine Player Turn Logic for Rule Proposals **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[12, 32]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 3']` **Instructions:** `Modify the take_turn method in the NomicGame class to include interactive prompts for proposing rule changes. After a rule proposal is made, check if the proposal is compliant with existing rules using the rule_checker attribute. If the proposal is not compliant, prompt the player to make a valid move or propose a different rule. This ensures that all rule changes are valid and comply with existing rules.`
Automate Voting Process for Rule Proposals **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[37, 41]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 4']` **Instructions:** `Enhance the conduct_vote method in the NomicGame class to support asynchronous player input for voting on rule proposals. This involves modifying the method to collect votes over a period of time, allowing players to vote at their convenience within a specified timeframe. Update the method to check for votes asynchronously and tally the results after the voting period ends.`