jkbrooks / stf-nomic-test

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Development of Rule Application and Turn Execution Mechanisms #4

Open jkbrooks opened 6 months ago

jkbrooks commented 6 months ago

Description: Develop a system within the Nomic game engine that dynamically applies rule changes proposed and voted on by players. This system should include:

A method for representing rule changes within the game state. A checklist the game engine runs through each turn to verify rule applications. Player turn execution logic, including prompts for player actions and confirmation of rule adherence.


Enable the game to adapt and evolve based on player-made rule changes. Ensure that all players adhere to the current set of rules through automated checks. Facilitate a smooth and engaging turn-based gameplay experience for participants.

jkbrooks commented 6 months ago

1. 📝 Indexing

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2. 🔎 Searching

I'm searching for relevant snippets in your repository.

The issue has been addressed by identifying and storing the relevant code snippet from main.py:1-40. This snippet outlines the structure of the Nomic game engine, including the dynamic system for managing and applying rule changes proposed and voted on by players. It includes:

This code snippet provides a solid foundation for creating a dynamic system within the Nomic game engine to manage and apply rule changes, ensuring compliance with the current rules through automated checks, and providing a seamless and engaging turn-based gameplay experience for all participants.

View Snippets https://github.com/jkbrooks/stf-nomic-test/blob/33aeeec9254fcd437f6a74a4af7b69f833c21c60/main.py#L0-L39

3. 🌐 Planning

I'm creating a plan for the discussion and coding steps.

I have created the following workflow as a basis for how the discussion and coding will be derived.

💡 Steps

Create Rule class **Action:** `create` **File:** `rule.py` **Lines:** `[1, 6]` **Dependencies:** `[]` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named 'rule.py'. Inside this file, define a class named 'Rule' with an initializer that accepts two parameters: 'description' (a string describing the rule) and 'active' (a boolean indicating if the rule is currently active). The class should store these parameters as instance variables.`
Create Player class **Action:** `create` **File:** `player.py` **Lines:** `[1, 10]` **Dependencies:** `[]` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named 'player.py'. Define a class named 'Player' with an initializer that accepts a 'name' parameter and initializes a 'score' attribute to 0. Include a 'propose_rule' method that prompts the user to input a rule description and returns it. Also, include a 'vote' method that simulates a player vote by randomly returning 1 (for) or 0 (against).`
Modify NomicGame to import Rule and Player **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[1, 3]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1', 'Step 2']` **Instructions:** `At the top of 'main.py', add import statements to import the 'Rule' class from 'rule.py' and the 'Player' class from 'player.py'. This will allow the NomicGame class to utilize these classes for managing players and rules.`
Add method to check rule compliance **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[36, 42]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 3']` **Instructions:** `In 'main.py', add a new method to the NomicGame class named 'check_rule_compliance' that takes no parameters. This method should iterate through the 'rules' dictionary, check if each rule is active, and print a message stating whether the game is in compliance with each rule. This method will be called at the beginning of each turn to ensure the game's current state adheres to the active rules.`
Call check_rule_compliance at the start of each turn **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[13, 14]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 4']` **Instructions:** `Modify the 'take_turn' method in 'main.py' to call the 'check_rule_compliance' method immediately after printing the player's turn. This ensures that rule compliance is checked at the start of each player's turn.`
Implement game loop **Action:** `modify` **File:** `main.py` **Lines:** `[41, 45]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 3', 'Step 5']` **Instructions:** `At the end of the 'main.py' file, add a game loop that initializes a NomicGame instance with a list of player names. The loop should repeatedly call the 'take_turn' method on the game instance until the 'game_over' attribute is True. This loop will drive the game, allowing turns to be taken in sequence until a winning condition is met.`

I have created the following workflow as a basis for how the discussion and coding will be derived.

💡 Steps

Create Rule Class **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rule.py` **Lines:** `[1, 20]` **Dependencies:** `[]` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rule.py in the src directory. Define a class named Rule with attributes for rule ID, description, current state (active/inactive), and any other relevant attributes. This class will serve as the base for representing rules within the game.`
Implement Rules Data Structure **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rules_manager.py` **Lines:** `[1, 30]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rules_manager.py in the src directory. Import the Rule class from rule.py. Implement a class named RulesManager that uses a hash map or decision tree to store and manage Rule objects efficiently. Include methods for adding, removing, and retrieving rules by their ID.`
Develop Rule Verification Checklist **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rule_verification.py` **Lines:** `[1, 25]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rule_verification.py in the src directory. Define a function that takes a Rule object and the current game state as parameters and returns a boolean indicating whether the rule can be applied based on the current game state. This function will serve as the checklist for verifying rule applications each turn.`
Implement Player Turn Logic **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/player_turns.py` **Lines:** `[1, 35]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 3']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named player_turns.py in the src directory. Implement functions to execute player turns, including prompts for rule adherence and confirmations. Integrate the rule verification checklist from rule_verification.py into the turn execution logic to ensure all actions comply with the current rules.`
Adopt Observer Pattern for Rule Changes **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/game_state.py` **Lines:** `[1, 50]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1', 'Step 2']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named game_state.py in the src directory. Implement a class named GameState that acts as the subject in the observer pattern. Include methods for attaching, detaching, and notifying observers of changes. Also, create a RuleObserver class that reacts to changes in the GameState. This setup will allow the game to dynamically adapt to rule changes.`
Introduce Versioning System for Game States **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/game_state_history.py` **Lines:** `[1, 40]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 5']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named game_state_history.py in the src directory. Implement a class named GameStateHistory that stores snapshots of the game state at different points in time. Include methods for adding new states, retrieving previous states, and reverting to a specific state. This versioning system will help maintain game integrity and facilitate testing.`

I have created the following workflow as a basis for how the discussion and coding will be derived.

💡 Steps

Create Rule Class **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rule.py` **Lines:** `[1, 20]` **Dependencies:** `[]` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rule.py in the src directory. Define a class named Rule with attributes for rule ID, description, current state (active/inactive), and any other relevant attributes. This class will serve as the base for representing rules within the game.`
Implement Rules Data Structure **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rules_manager.py` **Lines:** `[1, 30]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rules_manager.py in the src directory. Import the Rule class from rule.py. Implement a class named RulesManager that uses a hash map or decision tree to store and manage Rule objects efficiently. Include methods for adding, removing, and retrieving rules by their ID.`
Develop Rule Verification Checklist **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rule_verification.py` **Lines:** `[1, 25]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rule_verification.py in the src directory. Define a function that takes a Rule object and the current game state as parameters and returns a boolean indicating whether the rule can be applied based on the current game state. This function will serve as the checklist for verifying rule applications each turn.`
Implement Player Turn Logic **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/player_turns.py` **Lines:** `[1, 35]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 3']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named player_turns.py in the src directory. Implement functions to execute player turns, including prompts for rule adherence and confirmations. Integrate the rule verification checklist from rule_verification.py into the turn execution logic to ensure all actions comply with the current rules.`
Adopt Observer Pattern for Rule Changes **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/game_state.py` **Lines:** `[1, 50]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1', 'Step 2']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named game_state.py in the src directory. Implement a class named GameState that acts as the subject in the observer pattern. Include methods for attaching, detaching, and notifying observers of changes. Also, create a RuleObserver class that reacts to changes in the GameState. This setup will allow the game to dynamically adapt to rule changes.`
Introduce Versioning System for Game States **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/game_state_history.py` **Lines:** `[1, 40]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 5']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named game_state_history.py in the src directory. Implement a class named GameStateHistory that stores snapshots of the game state at different points in time. Include methods for adding new states, retrieving previous states, and reverting to a specific state. This versioning system will help maintain game integrity and facilitate testing.`

5. 🎲 Assignment

Here is the finalized workflow:

Create Rule Class **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rule.py` **Lines:** `[1, 20]` **Dependencies:** `[]` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rule.py in the src directory. Define a class named Rule with attributes for rule ID, description, current state (active/inactive), and any other relevant attributes. This class will serve as the base for representing rules within the game.` **Agent:** `Software engineer`
Implement Rules Data Structure **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rules_manager.py` **Lines:** `[1, 30]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rules_manager.py in the src directory. Import the Rule class from rule.py. Implement a class named RulesManager that uses a hash map or decision tree to store and manage Rule objects efficiently. Include methods for adding, removing, and retrieving rules by their ID.` **Agent:** `Software engineer`
Develop Rule Verification Checklist **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/rule_verification.py` **Lines:** `[1, 25]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named rule_verification.py in the src directory. Define a function that takes a Rule object and the current game state as parameters and returns a boolean indicating whether the rule can be applied based on the current game state. This function will serve as the checklist for verifying rule applications each turn.` **Agent:** `Software engineer`
Implement Player Turn Logic **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/player_turns.py` **Lines:** `[1, 35]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 3']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named player_turns.py in the src directory. Implement functions to execute player turns, including prompts for rule adherence and confirmations. Integrate the rule verification checklist from rule_verification.py into the turn execution logic to ensure all actions comply with the current rules.` **Agent:** `Software engineer`
Adopt Observer Pattern for Rule Changes **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/game_state.py` **Lines:** `[1, 50]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 1', 'Step 2']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named game_state.py in the src directory. Implement a class named GameState that acts as the subject in the observer pattern. Include methods for attaching, detaching, and notifying observers of changes. Also, create a RuleObserver class that reacts to changes in the GameState. This setup will allow the game to dynamically adapt to rule changes.` **Agent:** `Software engineer`
Introduce Versioning System for Game States **Action:** `create` **File:** `src/game_state_history.py` **Lines:** `[1, 40]` **Dependencies:** `['Step 5']` **Instructions:** `Create a new file named game_state_history.py in the src directory. Implement a class named GameStateHistory that stores snapshots of the game state at different points in time. Include methods for adding new states, retrieving previous states, and reverting to a specific state. This versioning system will help maintain game integrity and facilitate testing.` **Agent:** `Software engineer`
jkbrooks commented 6 months ago

Considering the concerns raised about scalability, rule compliance check efficiency, and the dynamic nature of rule changes, I propose a more comprehensive approach to address these issues. Firstly, for scalability and efficiency, implementing a more sophisticated data structure, such as a hash map or a decision tree, could significantly reduce the complexity of rule compliance checks. This structure could map rule identifiers to their active status and compliance logic, allowing for constant-time lookups and updates. Secondly, to handle dynamic rule changes effectively, adopting the Observer pattern could streamline the process of updating game state in response to rule modifications. This would involve creating a subject (game state) that notifies a list of observer objects (game components) whenever a change occurs, ensuring that all parts of the game are consistently synchronized with the current rules. Lastly, to maintain game state integrity and facilitate testing, introducing a versioning system for game states could allow for rollback to previous states in case of errors or inconsistencies. This system could also support automated testing by providing a means to snapshot and restore game states between test cases. Implementing these suggestions would not only address the current concerns but also enhance the game's overall design and user experience.

jkbrooks commented 6 months ago

Considering the concerns raised about scalability, efficiency, and the dynamic nature of rule changes, I propose a comprehensive update to our current workflow. Firstly, to address scalability and efficiency in rule compliance checks, we should implement a more sophisticated data structure, such as a hash map, for storing rules. This would allow for constant-time lookups and updates, significantly improving performance as the number of rules grows. Secondly, to effectively manage dynamic rule changes, adopting the Observer pattern could be beneficial. This would involve the game state acting as a subject that notifies observer objects (game components) of any changes, ensuring consistent synchronization across the game. Lastly, to enhance game integrity and facilitate testing, introducing a versioning system for game states could be invaluable. This would allow us to track changes, debug issues more effectively, and revert to previous states if necessary. Implementing these suggestions could significantly improve our game engine's design, performance, and user experience.

jkbrooks commented 6 months ago

Given the concerns about scalability, efficiency, and the dynamic nature of rule changes, I propose a revision to our current workflow to better address these issues. Firstly, to tackle the scalability and efficiency concerns, especially regarding rule compliance checks, it might be beneficial to integrate a caching mechanism within the RulesManager class. This mechanism could store the results of rule compliance checks temporarily, reducing the need to recompute them for rules that haven't changed between turns. Secondly, regarding the handling of dynamic rule changes and maintaining game state integrity, I suggest enhancing the Observer pattern implementation in the GameState class by introducing a more granular notification system. This system could categorize rule changes based on their impact level (e.g., minor, major) and notify only the relevant components that need to react to a particular change, thus optimizing the update process across the game's components. Lastly, to address the concern of game loop termination conditions and avoid potential infinite loops or premature termination, it's crucial to establish a clear set of conditions or a state machine within the game loop logic that defines when and how the game should end. This could involve setting up specific game milestones or player achievements that trigger the termination condition, ensuring a coherent and predictable game flow. Implementing these suggestions could significantly improve our system's scalability, efficiency, and robustness, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

jkbrooks commented 6 months ago

Regarding the implementation of the RulesManager class, could we consider integrating a caching mechanism for rule compliance checks to enhance performance? This could potentially address the scalability concern of rule compliance checks as the number of rules increases.

jkbrooks commented 6 months ago

PR created #6