jkbrzt / cloudtunes

Web-based music player for the cloud :cloud: :notes: Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.
2.49k stars 233 forks source link

Amazon EC2 #33

Open gregman4 opened 9 years ago

gregman4 commented 9 years ago

Hello world and @jakubroztocil,

I've been trying to setup CloudTunes for several weeks with no luck. I had a friend do some debugging and he thought the following might be helpful...

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-10-177 ~]$ sudo -i
[root@ip-172-31-10-177 ~]# 
[root@ip-172-31-10-177 ~]# docker run cloudtunes-img
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/options.py:295: UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security.
  'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching '
2015-03-27 06:57:04,145 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2015-03-27 06:57:04,146 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/cloudtunes.conf" during parsing
2015-03-27 06:57:04,170 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2015-03-27 06:57:04,170 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2015-03-27 06:57:04,171 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2015-03-27 06:57:05,173 INFO spawned: 'cloudtunes-worker' with pid 15
2015-03-27 06:57:05,175 INFO spawned: 'redis' with pid 16
2015-03-27 06:57:05,176 INFO spawned: 'mongod' with pid 17
2015-03-27 06:57:05,177 INFO spawned: 'cloudtunes-8000' with pid 18
2015-03-27 06:57:05,401 INFO exited: cloudtunes-8000 (exit status 1; not expected)
2015-03-27 06:57:05,402 INFO exited: cloudtunes-worker (exit status 1; not expected)
2015-03-27 06:57:06,728 INFO spawned: 'cloudtunes-worker' with pid 35
2015-03-27 06:57:06,729 INFO success: redis entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2015-03-27 06:57:06,729 INFO success: mongod entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2015-03-27 06:57:06,731 INFO spawned: 'cloudtunes-8000' with pid 36
2015-03-27 06:57:06,888 INFO exited: cloudtunes-8000 (exit status 1; not expected)
2015-03-27 06:57:06,890 INFO exited: cloudtunes-worker (exit status 1; not expected)
2015-03-27 06:57:08,893 INFO spawned: 'cloudtunes-worker' with pid 41
2015-03-27 06:57:08,894 INFO spawned: 'cloudtunes-8000' with pid 42
2015-03-27 06:57:09,057 INFO exited: cloudtunes-8000 (exit status 1; not expected)
2015-03-27 06:57:09,058 INFO exited: cloudtunes-worker (exit status 1; not expected)
2015-03-27 06:57:12,062 INFO spawned: 'cloudtunes-worker' with pid 47
2015-03-27 06:57:12,064 INFO spawned: 'cloudtunes-8000' with pid 48
2015-03-27 06:57:12,223 INFO exited: cloudtunes-8000 (exit status 1; not expected)
2015-03-27 06:57:12,223 INFO gave up: cloudtunes-8000 entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
2015-03-27 06:57:12,223 INFO exited: cloudtunes-worker (exit status 1; not expected)
2015-03-27 06:57:13,225 INFO gave up: cloudtunes-worker entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
^C2015-03-27 06:57:20,960 WARN received SIGINT indicating exit request
2015-03-27 06:57:20,960 INFO waiting for redis, mongod to die
2015-03-27 06:57:21,973 INFO stopped: mongod (exit status 0)
2015-03-27 06:57:22,039 INFO stopped: redis (exit status 0)
[root@ip-172-31-10-177 ~]# lsb_release
-bash: lsb_release: command not found
[root@ip-172-31-10-177 ~]#  cat /etc/issue
Amazon Linux AMI release 2015.03
Kernel \r on an \m

[root@ip-172-31-10-177 ~]# uname -a
Linux ip-172-31-10-177 3.14.35-28.38.amzn1.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 11 22:50:37 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@ip-172-31-10-177 ~]# 

I have over 500GB of music in Dropbox and am dying to get this working. If anyone can help me setup a working instance on my EC2 I will pay you $$$

gregman4 commented 9 years ago

Can ANYONE please help me set this up on EC2?! Does anyone have it currently running on AWS?

Clevero commented 9 years ago

i think your problem was already mentioned in #16

gregman4 commented 9 years ago

@Clevero Thank You! I will look into that today. much appreciated