jkbrzt / rrule

JavaScript library for working with recurrence rules for calendar dates as defined in the iCalendar RFC and more.
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working with Evolution Mail and web calendar using RRULE fail because of X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE in rrule #616

Open gstlouisgit opened 4 months ago

gstlouisgit commented 4 months ago

I am wondering if someone can help me shed some light on a X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE property in a rrule that from what I can see was generated by Evolution Mail for an event.

I am using Evolution Mail and also have a web calendar that uses rrule as a string to parse recurring events. While I was using Evolution Mail there was a crash in the web app calendar because rrule could not understand X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE property. RRULE;X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE=20241223T140000Z:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=51;BYDAY=MO;

Does anyone know anything about this property and why rrule.js does not like it? I tried creating a recurring event with Evo Mail and this time the rule is not present so I couldn't recreate the issue, but I can only assume it will return.

Thanks for reading

vkartaviy commented 1 month ago

+1 stumbled upon this issue recently :(

gstlouisgit commented 1 month ago

some more info here https://discourse.gnome.org/t/working-with-evolution-mail-and-web-calendar-using-rrule-fail-because-of-x-evolution-enddate-in-rrule/19710