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Configuration as Code with ECMAScript
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helm render support #133

Open jaxxstorm opened 5 years ago

jaxxstorm commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to:

If it is, if I can get some help I can create an example for the examples repo. If not, could it be added as an option?

This is possible in Pulumi by doing something like this:

import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";

const redis = new k8s.helm.v2.Chart("redis", {
    repo: "stable",
    chart: "redis",
    version: "3.10.0",
    values: {
        usePassword: true,
        rbac: { create: true },
    transformations: [
        // Make every service private to the cluster, i.e., turn all services into ClusterIP instead of
        // LoadBalancer.
        (obj: any) => {
            if (obj.kind == "Service" && obj.apiVersion == "v1") {
                if (obj.spec && obj.spec.type && obj.spec.type == "LoadBalancer") {
                    obj.spec.type = "ClusterIP";

So I'm hoping it's possible in jk, too.

dlespiau commented 5 years ago

Oh, pulumi has a nice way to express it! We have some of what is needed to do the above. The main missing thing is to be able to execute a command.

I think this use case makes sense, which leaves me to wonder what would be needed to support it :) Will have to think about it a bit more.

jaxxstorm commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the thoughtful answer!

Couple of things:

I see helm template is directly invoked by pulumi. We have so far explicitly excluded executing commands because they can do arbitrary things, which conflicts with being hermetic. We would be able to load yaml files that have been rendered by a previous pass before jk though.

This is generally what we do with do with kr8 - something to bear in mind though is that generally the yaml comes as a stream and sometimes needs cleaning up.

I can see how nice the example you refer to is for consuming helm charts and wonder how we could do something similar The main thing that's nice from Pulumi is the transformations. I've lost count of the number of times a helm chart isn't working properly and have to patch it in some way. I think this is addresses with #117

I think this use case makes sense, which leaves me to wonder what would be needed to support it :)

It seems to be the only thing missing is some method of rendering the helm chart. Maybe it's better that this is done outside of JK and it just needs to be documented on how to do it?

squaremo commented 5 years ago

We've talked a bit about having "escapes" for the hermeticity, e.g., to run jk as a server by importing @jkcfg/http/server -- perhaps (allow-listed, sandboxed) exec could be one of those.

squaremo commented 5 years ago

Another way this could be accomplished is from the outside -- if you can read from stdin (a source of un-safety in its own way!) it could transform the documents in a YAML stream, without needing to exec itself.

dlespiau commented 5 years ago

Random thoughts:

dlespiau commented 5 years ago

@jaxxstorm I've perused your blog and it seems we all have very similar views on configuration :) If you want to talk about configuration in general or jk in particular, feel free to join the #jkcfg slack channel, I've just created one on our slack. Be warned, it's brand new and have only a few people on it :)

sh0rez commented 5 years ago

About Helm and hermeticity .. the helm and tiller are written in golang as well. And Tiller does not actually need to run in cluster-wide server mode.

So we could reuse the important parts of Helm to render the charts ourselves .. probably in a small standalone application (helm-shim?).

ksonnet did this back then and it worked quite well, although overall approach had it's pitfalls. So I propose the following:

sh0rez commented 5 years ago

About Helm and hermeticity .. the helm and tiller are written in golang as well. And Tiller does not actually need to run in cluster-wide server mode. ...

This assumes we do not actually want to use helm for release management but install helm charts as flat .yaml manifests to the cluster, which is IMHO the better way, because I am not a big fan of moving parts. This is also the reason why I imagine jkcfg being superior to pulumi. State hurts but having no state = not losing any state!

dlespiau commented 5 years ago

@sh0rez yup all of the above makes sense :)

I didn't know about go-plugin, sounds interesting. I was thinking about a very simple "protocol" where plugins/subprocesses would output their results on stdout, mainly because I was only thinking about a generic std.exec that would be able to execute helm directly to do the rendering. Having a bit more to it with a plugin system would allow cleaner interaction such as better error handling and leave room for further extensions (we have some vague ideas about run-time things where the jk process would stay around and react to events).

Being able to download a specific plugin version that in turn is pinning the version of helm instead of relying on whatever version of helm is running on the machine is certainly a nice property.

We could also think about downloading the plugins automatically, jk could do so when encountering special std directives. go-getter seems nice for the implementation side of this.

food for thoughts :)

sh0rez commented 5 years ago

I totally agree!

IMHO we could take Terraform as a reference, as the people over there already built a production-tested, bullet proof expansion system: While Terraform provides control structures, the Providers do the heavy lifting of creating actually creating resources. But a provider is a standalone executable that is loosely coupled with Terraform and thus allows independent updates. They communicate using gRPC, implemented using above mentioned go-plugin. This is nice, because gRPC specifies a typed API using protobuf and is not locked to only GoLang but any other supported language. The providers are not bundled with Terraform application code but held ready for dynamic loading in a artifact-signing registry. As go-getter is used, this registry might actually be anything from s3 over git repo to artifactory or whatnot. This could be specified by the user or even inferred from JavaScript by creating versioned npm modules for our shims.

If desired, I can contribute the plugin system but I would need guidance for the interaction with JavaScript, as my knowledge in this field is limited to React and frontend right now.

dlespiau commented 5 years ago

I really don't want to be too much "stop energy" but there is one downside to the go-plugin approach: the complexity it brings.

We'd also want to flesh out how it would look like from a js point of view.

The alternative std.exec is a lot more straightforward. I've sketched something in issue #147. Note that those 2 ideas (std.exec and plugins) could be both implemented if needed. I'm struggling a bit imagining what else a plugin system would bring to the table, so far I have (these may well be enough to justify plugins):

squaremo commented 5 years ago

With #149 it is possible to pipe the output of helm template through a jk script to transform it. A script that does the same transformation as in the OP looks like this:

// transform-chart.js
import std from '@jkcfg/std';

async function readAndTransform() {
  const resources = await(std.read('', { format: std.Format.YAMLStream }));
  resources.forEach((obj) => {
    if (obj === null) return;
    if (obj.apiVersion == 'v1' && obj.kind == 'Service') {
      if (obj.spec && obj.spec.type && obj.spec.type == 'LoadBalancer') {
        obj.spec.type = 'ClusterIP';
  return resources;

readAndTransform().then(v => std.log(v, { format: std.Format.YAMLStream }));
helm fetch stable/redis --untar --untardir=charts/
helm template charts/redis | jk run ./transform-chart.js

Now, I wouldn't claim this is a substitute for the Pulumi code -- jk is doing just one part -- but it does demonstrate that it's fairly easy to get the same effect.

sh0rez commented 5 years ago

I really don't want to be too much "stop energy" but there is one downside to the go-plugin approach: the complexity it brings.

  • It's a lot of code

Not sure about this.

  • We'd need to write one provider for each thing we want to support
  • We'd need to maintain those providers and update them at the same rhythm as the upstream software

This is true, but I believe it is far more simple to maintain upstream changes directly in-tree. And for example helm did not change it's chart format since v2 has been released. This means helm template is quite stable. The chart format is going to change in v3, but since then we probably do not need to adapt.

  • What happens if the user wants to pin the helm version to a version we don't support

I think the chart rendering process of helm does not change that frequently. So it might be fine to extract helm template (which has been a standalone application before it was merged into helm) and provide it as helm-static config provider for jk. Probably just start simple and adapt if needed.

  • We'd need to host binaries for the plugins

We may use GitHub Releases for this – infrastructure for free.

  • We'd need jk to download and cache those binaries

go-getter does a great job at this and is already used in production at massive scale. If it is only helm(-static) for the beginning, we could ship it in the same binary to reduce complexity and load it dynamically if needed later along the way.

  • At the moment, I can't really think of a second user of this plugin interface, but I'm sure that would come in time.

Something I can imagine of right know:

Using plugins, we could provide some guarantees of stability to the user. And jk can stay self-contained, which improves UX a lot.

We'd also want to flesh out how it would look like from a js point of view.

The alternative std.exec is a lot more straightforward. I've sketched something in issue #147. Note that those 2 ideas (std.exec and plugins) could be both implemented if needed. I'm struggling a bit imagining what else a plugin system would bring to the table, so far I have (these may well be enough to justify plugins):

  • Version pinning for reproducible builds: we don't depend on the helm version being installed on the machine but download a specific version
  • Automatic install our the run-time dependencies, we don't need something else to install helm for us

While the std.exec is a great first step, it provides poor integration with the target system. Think of error handling, version pinning.

Furthermore, I don't believe integration of third-party features software should happen at JavaScript level. I mainly like the idea of using JavaScript for writing the configuration, because it is a very flexible, functional language that is already bullet-proof, testable and has a great ecosystem (which jsonnet for example totally lacks). But think it should be limited by design to defining the configuration. While DRY is very nice, we still should focus on some amount of KISS. If the configuration frontend allows to much, it might quickly get overwhelming, especially to new users. So jk should provide some boundaries to maintain a low learning curve. I really do not want to start debugging my configuration generation code to find race-conditions or nasty bugs.

Idea: If the providers are not part of jk, community members or companies with internal tools could write them as well and publish them to jkcfg once stable? And there are a lot of internal, hacked solutions. If they could be incorporated into one single, flexible engine – this would be a dream.

dlespiau commented 5 years ago

Those are good arguments and a nice list of ideas :) I am personally convinced this is the right direction.

There are a few things to think about:

I'm removing the transformations as we're doing that in an orthogonal way, so:

const redis = new k8s.helm.v2.Chart("redis", {
    repo: "stable",
    chart: "redis",
    version: "3.10.0",
    values: {
        usePassword: true,
        rbac: { create: true },

We probably want promises in that API to enable concurrency so that may look like:

k8s.helm.v2.render("redis", {
    repo: "stable",
    chart: "redis",
    version: "3.10.0",
    values: {
        usePassword: true,
        rbac: { create: true },
 }).then(objs => std.log(obj));

The Chart function may look like:

// Could be exposed to the user or locked transitively when locking the version of the library
// providing this render function (in this case it would behttps://github.com/jkcfg/kubernetes)
const providerVersion = '0.1.0';

function render(name, params) {
   return std.plugin('https//jkcfg.github.io/providers/helm', providerVersion, params).then(chart => parse YAML stream and return array of k8s objects)

std.plugin would be an new standard library function, a very basic interface could be:

A few words about how the standard library works: