Open buptstehc opened 12 years ago
Hi there!
I've been using SudzC with arrays extensively, and it works.
If you want help with your problem, you'll need to be much more specific. When doesn't it work? Is it SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 you're working with? Do you have a test case you could upload?
Also, are you sure that the array in question contains more than one element?
Hi ,
I have the same problem with buptstehc.
I used sudzc several times with .net web service and its perfect. But now I try to use with java web service and got error. The error is sudzc can't deserialize the list object and return nil. If I log the result it shows only first element.
I tried the solutions of this page but it doesn't work.
Fixed that on and already asked for a Pull Request. :) It's working like a charm!
Hi teonivalois,
Thanks for your reply , I generated the objective c codes from your repository but result is same. You can see the result screen shot at .
And response xml is :
I think the problem is there isn't a root tag for array.
Are you using ARC? Can you post the URL here?
Teoni Valois
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:22 PM, yeteryayeter <
Hi teonivalois,
Thanks for your reply , I generated the objective c codes from your repository but result is same. You can see the result screen shot at .
And response xml is :
I think the problem is there isn't a root tag for array.
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Hi, uvesten! I am using objective-c with ARC. I found the weird thing in the generated SoapRequest.m:
if([deserializeTo respondsToSelector: @selector(initWithNode:)]) { element = [element childAtIndex:0]; output = [deserializeTo initWithNode: element];
So I think this is the problem where it is.
It was solved in my version:
Atenciosamente, Teoni Valois
Em 09/05/2012, às 22:16, escreveu:
Hi, uvesten! I am using objective-c with ARC. I found the weird thing in the generated SoapRequest.m:
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection. This method just deserialize the first element of the 'Body' received from soap response.
if([deserializeTo respondsToSelector: @selector(initWithNode:)]) { element = [element childAtIndex:0]; output = [deserializeTo initWithNode: element];
So I think this is the problem where it is.
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Hi teonivalois, sorry for late response
I tried some changes on service side but I had no success and I don't use Arc
You can find the service information and sample project on below.
service url :
I call method in deailViewControllers viewDidload method.
Additional info: if you regenerate the code you have to make some changes.
1- CH_TestWSImplService change the service url ( remove the ":80" )
self.serviceUrl = @"";
2- soap.m , createEnvelope method add "ws" ( first 2 character of namespace )
change xmlns=\"%@\">", ns]; to xmlns:ws=\"%@\">", ns];
[s appendFormat: @"ws:%@%@/ws:%@", method,[params stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"&" withString:@"&"], method];
Simply go to your CH_TestWSImplService.m line 60 and change the [... desserializeTo: nil] parameter to [... desserializeTo: [CH_responseBean alloc]] and it will work! :)
Hi ,
Thanks for answer , you solved my problem. And yes it is really too simple.
Last question how can i fix this issue in sudzc source code.
Hi yeteryayeter,
This issue is not occurring with my services.
teonivalois, thanks for forking this project. I have a question on the user of parameters. My envelope to a soap call 1.1 should appear like the following sample below, how do I create the parameters to go with my function? the sudzc generated code looks like this:
- (SoapRequest*) ZHS_PROCESS: (id) _target action: (SEL) _action
NSMutableArray* _params = [NSMutableArray array];
NSString* _envelope = [Soap createEnvelope: @"ZHS_PROCESS" forNamespace: self.namespace withParameters: _params withHeaders: self.headers];
SoapRequest* _request = [SoapRequest create: _target action: _action service: self soapAction: @"" postData: _envelope deserializeTo: nil];
[_request send];
return _request;
< soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions"> < soapenv:Header/> < soapenv:Body> < urn:ZHS_PROCESS> < P_AUFNR>172635 < P_LMNGA>1 < P_PERNR>33 < P_VORNR>0100 < RETURN> < item/> < /RETURN> < /urn:ZHS_PROCESS_CONFIRMATION> < /soapenv:Body> < /soapenv:Envelope>
Thank you for your time!
Dear teonivalois
Please could you tell me what do you mean by [CH_responseBean alloc]]
i tried used [nsmutabledicationry dictionary] but didn't work.
What is the class should i replaced with nill
Hi, I noticed that sudzc only retrieve the first element in the returned array result. so how can i did it for all? thanks!