I was just reading the code you pushed recently in bader.py. I recently updated the way to do it in my fork of jasp, which I feel seems to work a little better. In the old approach, by saving the charges in atom.charge, they are returned by atoms.get_initial_charges() and not atoms.get_charges() as they should. This causes problems when you write an atoms row in the database, where the charges are stored as 'initial_charges' (which is confusing!).
Below is the updated code I have for bader in jasp. It now returns the calculated charges with atoms.get_charges(). It might be useful to use a similar approach in the new vasp wrapper.
def bader(self, cmd=None, ref=False, verbose=False, overwrite=False):
Performs bader analysis for a calculation
Follows defaults unless full shell command is specified
Does not overwrite existing files if overwrite=False
If ref = True, tries to reference the charge density to
the sum of AECCAR0 and AECCAR2
Requires the bader.pl (and chgsum.pl) script to be in the system PATH
if 'ACF.dat' in os.listdir('./') and not overwrite:
if cmd is None:
if ref:
cmdlist = ['bader',
cmdlist = ['bader',
elif type(cmd) is str:
cmdlist = cmd.split()
elif type(cmd) is list:
cmdlist = cmd
p = Popen(cmdlist, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
if out == '' or err != '':
raise Exception('Cannot perform Bader:\n\n{0}'.format(err))
elif verbose:
print('Bader completed for {0}'.format(self.vaspdir))
# Now store calculated charges
Vasp.bader = bader
def _get_calculated_charges(self,
"""Calculate the charges from the fileobj.
This is a modified version of the attach_charges function in
ase.io.bader to work better with VASP.
Does not require the atom positions to be in Bohr and references
the charge to the ZVAL in the POTCAR
if isinstance(fileobj, str):
fileobj = open(fileobj)
f_open = True
return None
if atoms is None:
atoms = self.get_atoms()
# Get the sorting and resorting lists
sort = self.sort
resort = self.resort
# First get a dictionary of ZVALS from the pseudopotentials
LOP = self.get_pseudopotentials()
ppp = os.environ['VASP_PP_PATH']
zval = {}
for sym, ppath, hash in LOP:
fullpath = ppp + ppath
z = get_ZVAL(fullpath)
zval[sym] = z
# Get sorted symbols and positions according to POSCAR and ACF.dat
symbols = np.array(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())[sort]
positions = atoms.get_positions()[sort]
charges = []
sep = '---------------'
i = 0 # Counter for the lines
k = 0 # Counter of sep
assume6columns = False
for line in fileobj:
if line[0] == '\n': # check if there is an empty line in the
i -= 1 # head of ACF.dat file
if i == 0:
headings = line
if 'BADER' in headings.split():
j = headings.split().index('BADER')
elif 'CHARGE' in headings.split():
j = headings.split().index('CHARGE')
print('Can\'t find keyword "BADER" or "CHARGE".' \
+ ' Assuming the ACF.dat file has 6 columns.')
j = 4
assume6columns = True
if sep in line: # Stop at last seperator line
if k == 1:
k += 1
if not i > 1:
words = line.split()
if assume6columns is True:
if len(words) != 6:
raise IOError('Number of columns in ACF file incorrect!\n'
'Check that Bader program version >= 0.25')
sym = symbols[int(words[0]) - 1]
charges.append(zval[sym] - float(words[j]))
if displacement is not None:
# check if the atom positions match
xyz = np.array([float(w) for w in words[1:4]])
assert np.linalg.norm(positions[int(words[0]) - 1] - xyz) < displacement
i += 1
if f_open:
# Now attach the resorted charges to the atom
charges = np.array(charges)[resort]
self._calculated_charges = charges
Vasp._get_calculated_charges = _get_calculated_charges
def get_charges(self, atoms=None):
Returns a list of cached charges from a previous
call to bader(). Useful for storing the charges to
a database outside the context manager.
if atoms is None:
atoms = self.get_atoms()
if hasattr(self, '_calculated_charges'):
return self._calculated_charges
return None
Vasp.get_charges = get_charges
def get_property(self, name, atoms=None, allow_calculation=True):
"""A function meant to mimic the get_property() function
already implemented for non-VASP calculators in ASE.
This function is required for proper usage of the ASE database
the way it is currently written.
if atoms is None:
atoms = self.get_atoms()
if name == 'energy':
return atoms.get_potential_energy()
elif name == 'forces':
return atoms.get_forces()
elif name == 'stress':
return atoms.get_stress()
elif name == 'dipole':
return atoms.get_dipole_moment()
elif name == 'magmom' and hasattr(self, 'magnetic_moment'):
return atoms.get_magnetic_moment()
elif name == 'magmoms':
return atoms.get_magnetic_moments()
elif name == 'charges':
return atoms.get_charges()
raise NotImplementedError
Vasp.get_property = get_property
Hi John,
I was just reading the code you pushed recently in bader.py. I recently updated the way to do it in my fork of jasp, which I feel seems to work a little better. In the old approach, by saving the charges in atom.charge, they are returned by atoms.get_initial_charges() and not atoms.get_charges() as they should. This causes problems when you write an atoms row in the database, where the charges are stored as 'initial_charges' (which is confusing!).
Below is the updated code I have for bader in jasp. It now returns the calculated charges with atoms.get_charges(). It might be useful to use a similar approach in the new vasp wrapper.