I am facing the following error while accessing the RTSP stream from a camera that supports the RTSP stream. I am able to access the stream in vlc as well as in the shell using GStreamer.
[ WARN:0] global /home/nvidia/host/build_opencv/nv_opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_gstreamer.cpp (711) open OpenCV | GStreamer warning: Error opening bin: syntax error
[ WARN:0] global /home/nvidia/host/build_opencv/nv_opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_gstreamer.cpp (480) isPipelinePlaying OpenCV | GStreamer warning: GStreamer: pipeline have not been created
WARNING:root:Camera: starting while cap is not opened!
ERROR: failed to open camera!
I am facing the following error while accessing the RTSP stream from a camera that supports the RTSP stream. I am able to access the stream in vlc as well as in the shell using GStreamer.
This is my input:
This the shell output: