jkk / formative

Web forms for Clojure and ClojureScript - rendering, parsing, and validating
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Suggestion: Don't use :nobr in formative.render #35

Closed theJohnnyBrown closed 3 years ago

theJohnnyBrown commented 10 years ago

The problem for me is using formative-generated hiccup vectors in sablono, but lack of support for the tag in Reactjs.DOM is the underlying issue. Also, the w3c discourages its use.

theJohnnyBrown commented 10 years ago

In my case, the error looked like throw cljs.core.ex_info.call(null, [cljs.core.str("Unsupported HTML tag: ").

I'm currently working around the issue by overriding the :checkbox dispatch value of the render-field multimethod in the namespace where I call render-form, like so,

(remove-method fr/render-field :checkboxes)
(defmethod fr/render-field :checkboxes [field]
  (let [vals (set (map str (:value field)))
        opts (fu/normalize-options (:options field))
        fname (str (name (:name field)) "[]")
        cols (:cols field 1)
        cb-per-col (+ (quot (count opts) cols)
                      (if (zero? (rem (count opts) cols))
                        0 1))
        build-cb (fn [oval olabel]
                   (let [id (str (:id field) "__" (fr/opt-slug oval))]
                      [:label.checkbox {:for id} " "
                        (fr/render-field {:name fname :id id :checked (contains? vals (str oval))
                                       :type :checkbox :value (str oval)})] " "
                       [:span.cb-label olabel]]]))]
     ;; FIXME: this prevents checkbox values from being absent in the submitted
     ;; request, but at the cost of including an empty value which must be
     ;; filtered out. We can't use an empty input without the "[]" suffix
     ;; because nested-params Ring middleware won't allow it.
     (fr/render-field {:name fname :type :hidden})
     (for [[col colopts] (map vector
                              (range 1 (inc cols))
                              (partition-all cb-per-col opts))]
       [:div {:class (str "cb-col cb-col-" col)}
        (for [[oval olabel subopts] colopts]
           (if (empty? subopts)
             (build-cb oval olabel)
              [:h5.cb-group-heading olabel]
              (for [[oval olabel] (fu/normalize-options subopts)]
                (build-cb oval olabel))]))])]))

The above is simply copied from src/formative/render.cljx with the :nobr removed

bensu commented 9 years ago

:+1: @jkk thanks for the library, it is a life saver. Please consider the suggestion. @theJohnnyBrown thanks for the workaround

iku000888 commented 7 years ago

Hey @theJohnnyBrown @bensu

Sorry for the long term silence of the project. I got write access to this repo from jkk and I would be happy to take a patch for this.

On a separate note, do you happen to have any insights on whether or not long lines would suddenly start wrapping by simply removing the :nobr on some browsers? Have not investigated it but just imagined the original intention by reading this: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/nobr.

theJohnnyBrown commented 7 years ago

Yes, it's possible that long lines may start wrapping if the <nobr> tag were removed, but again, this is non-standard HTML and the same effect can be accomplished with CSS.

iku000888 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for confirming. Just to be clear I am all in favour for removing the :nobr, and just want to explore how the potential surprise can be mitigated. Please do feel free to go on with a PR .