jknowles / merTools

Convenience functions for working with merMod objects from lme4
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Add Functions to Use Imputation with merMod Objects #34

Closed jknowles closed 8 years ago

jknowles commented 9 years ago

I'm a big fan of the Amelia package for multiple imputation (though should also look at mice). It is not easy to fit multilevel models to Amelia objects outside of the Zelig package. Add some functions in merTools to smooth this process.

jknowles commented 9 years ago

Here's some example code:

# Functions to extract standard deviation of random effects from model
REsdExtract <- function(model){
  out <- unlist(lapply(VarCorr(model), attr, "stddev"))

#slope intercept correlation from model
REcorrExtract <- function(model){
  out <- unlist(lapply(VarCorr(model), attr, "corre"))

modelRandEffStats <- function(modList){
  SDs <- ldply(modList, REsdExtract)
  corrs <- ldply(modList, REcorrExtract)
  tmp <- cbind(SDs, corrs)
  names(tmp) <- c("Imp", "Int", "Slope", "id", "Corr")
  out <- data.frame(IntSD_mean = mean(tmp$Int), 
                        SlopeSD_mean = mean(tmp$Slope), 
                    Corr_mean = mean(tmp$Corr), 
                        IntSD_sd = sd(tmp$Int),
                    SlopeSD_sd = sd(tmp$Slope), 
                        Corr_sd = sd(tmp$Corr))

modelFixedEff <- function(modList){
  fixEst <- ldply(modList, tidy, effects = "fixed")
  # Collapse
  out <- ddply(fixEst, .(term), summarize,
               estimate = mean(estimate), 
               std.error = mean(std.error))
  out$statistic <- out$estimate / out$std.error

print.merModList <- function(modList, digits = 3){
  len <- length(modList)
  form <- modList[[1]]@call
  cat("\nFixed Effects:\n")
  fedat <- modelFixedEff(modList)
  dimnames(fedat)[[1]] <- fedat$term
  pfround(fedat[-1, -1], digits)
  cat("\nError Terms Random Effect Std. Devs\n")
  cat("and covariances:\n")
  ngrps <- length(VarCorr(modmathG[[1]]))
  errorList <- vector(mode = 'list', length = ngrps)
  corrList <- vector(mode = 'list', length = ngrps)
  for(i in 1:ngrps){
    subList <- lapply(modList, function(x) VarCorr(x)[[i]])
    subList <- apply(simplify2array(subList), 1:2, mean)
    errorList[[i]] <- subList
    subList <- lapply(modList, function(x) attr(VarCorr(x)[[i]], "corre"))
    subList <- min(unique(apply(simplify2array(subList), 1:2, function(x) mean(x))))
    corrList[[i]] <- subList
  errorList <- lapply(errorList, function(x) {
    diag(x) <- sqrt(diag(x))

  lapply(errorList, pfround, digits)
  cat("\nError Term Correlations:\n")
  lapply(corrList, pfround, digits)
  residError <- mean(unlist(lapply(modList, function(x) attr(VarCorr(x), "sc"))))
  cat("\nResidual Error =", fround(residError,
                                             digits), "\n")
  ngrps <- lapply(modList[[1]]@flist, function(x) length(levels(x)))
  modn <- getME(modList[[1]], "devcomp")$dims["n"]
  cat(sprintf("number of obs: %d, groups: ", modn))
  cat(paste(paste(names(ngrps), ngrps, sep = ", "),
            collapse = "; "))
  cat("\nModel Fit Stats")
  mAIC <- mean(unlist(lapply(modList, AIC)))
  cat(sprintf("\nAIC = %g", round(mAIC, 1)))
  moDsigma.hat <- mean(unlist(lapply(modmathG, sigma)))
  cat("\nOverdispersion parameter =", fround(moDsigma.hat,
                                             digits), "\n")
jknowles commented 9 years ago

Now I think this should be expanded into a generic merModList function. This would allow a merMod to be run in batches on a dataset and the various models to be aggregated together -- allowing the fitting of lmer and glmer models to bigger datasets in parallel.

jknowles commented 8 years ago

This is done, needs to be documented though. Another issue for another day.