jknowles / merTools

Convenience functions for working with merMod objects from lme4
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Fix parsing of terms in expectedRank #97

Closed jknowles closed 5 years ago

jknowles commented 5 years ago

The following:

g1 <- lmer(y ~ lectage + studage + (1|d) + (1|s), data=InstEval)
ER_DF <- expectedRank(merMod, groupFctr = c("d", "s"))

Results in:

  groupFctr groupLevel       term   estimate
2         d          1 _Intercept  0.4088731
3         d          6 _Intercept -0.4261518
4         d          7 _Intercept  0.6194362
5         d          8 _Intercept -0.6320189
6         d         12 _Intercept  0.1569157
7         d         13 _Intercept  0.2659650
   std.error       ER pctER
2 0.08676698 843.6942    75
3 0.03904880 249.8354    22
4 0.03719929 980.0640    87
5 0.02211214 143.0992    13
6 0.04027141 675.7258    60
7 0.03218429 761.8241    67

I would expect and it will be easier to work with this if it the term returned is Intercept - not _Intercept

jknowles commented 5 years ago

This got fixed somewhere.