jkomoros / boardgame

An in-progress framework in golang to easily build boardgame Progressive Web Apps
Apache License 2.0
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Rationalize notions of Seats, Active players #755

Open jkomoros opened 4 years ago

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

Realized while working on #752 #753 #754 .

The core game logic layer thinks that the number of players is set once at game start and never changes, and everyone is present all of the time.

But the server logic knows that actually some player "seats" are empty at any given time.

Some game seats you want to be able to play the game, leaving the "seat" open for someone to join in the future (but not necessarily at any time). Some seats need to be filled before the game can start.

In the same way #754 covers SetUp, we should rationalize when new players are allowed to join.

The custom game logic might at any time want to reason about number of seats (what the core game logic calls "numplayers" right now), "active players" (people who are actively playing right now), and "inactive players" (people sitting in a seat but not yet active; for example, they joined mid-round and won't become active until the next round starts).

PlayerIndex.Next() needs to be able to know which player seats are active.

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

You'd have a GameDelegate.PhaseAllowsPlayerJoin(phase int) bool or something.

Whether a player is "empty, active, or inactive" could be done as a behavior.PlayerState or something. Then there could be moves that take an inactive player and flip them to active. These could be fixup moves, that run in an "Activate Inactive Players" phase, to automatically run. Maybe the GameDelegate doensn't even need to know when those phases are; it's literally just "is it legal to run that fixup move right now?"

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

Games that don't have PlayerState or PlayerEmptyBehavior signal to the server: people can join whenver, and all seats should at some point be active.

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

There's a notion of Seats and Players. What the core engine has typically called Players is actually more akin to a notion of Seats--a place where a Player could go. A player is an identified thing, tied to an account, sitting in a seat.

The core engine things Seats has a 1:1 to players. They're always occupied by a player, and that player is always active. That's reasonable as a base case, but not in general.

A seat might be empty because no player has yet joined the game to sit in that seat yet, but we hope they do come. Or it might be empty because we don't want new players anymore because the game is in progress.

And a player sitting in a seat might not be active because they might have sat down in a seat in the middle of a round, and have to wait until the next round starts to be "dealt in."

The core game doesn't know anything about seats and players, but servers do. Custom game logic and the server logic need to signal to each other a few things:

The way it does this is by a mix of player state behaviors, move types that game logic can include to seat players and activate them, and logic on the base.GameDelegate that helps count the players.

By default, the custom game logic has no idea if a seat is filled or not. The server seats players as soon as they come to the table, if there's still an empty seat. If the game logic gets to the point where a specific seat needs to make a move, and no one's sitting in it, then the core game logic just sits forever. Players can see in the UI that there's no one there to make a move, but the actual game logic can't do that. These are the most naive game types (on this dimension, at least). Simple games, and games with one round, are often fine with this.

If games want to know which seats are empty, they can embed behaviors.SeatEmptyBehavior. It adds an SeatFilled bool field, and a SetSeatFilled() method. The moves.SeatPlayer move is how the server will tell the game a player has been seated. It's not a FixUp move (it shouldn't be applied in general). It's a move that it's only legal for an admin to propose. The server will propose that move if there is a player waiting to be seated. When it is applied, it calls the SetSeatFilled() on the seat that was now occupied. This is how the game can tell that it was applied. By default you should have that move be legal in any phase. If you want waiting players to be seated only at specific times, you should make that SeatPlayer move be legal only when you want it to be legal, for example in the SetUp phase for a round.

When a user loads a game and is not yet seated, they see a message in the UI saying they're waiting to be seated.

Sometimes the game logic wants to communicate that empty seats should stay empty. That's why the SeatEmptyBehavior also has a SeatClosed bool, and SetSetClosed(). When someone is seated withSeatPlayermove, it sets both of those to true. But game logic can also call it when they want to signal that those empty seats aren't open to be filled anymore. There's another convenience FixUp move calledCloseEmptySeats`, which when run will set any empty seat to closed. You'd typically run this, for example, at he end of the InitialSetup phase, if you wanted to not allow any other players.

With this empty/closed logic, though, the game logic doesn't know if there's someone waiting to be seated, which might conceivably be useful for the game logic to know. That's why there's a notion of a player.Active: behaviors.PlayerInactive, which has a Inactive bool field, IsActive() bool, SetPlayerActive(), SetPlayerInactive(). If you don't include that behavior, then the server logic assumes that all players are active all the time.

An Inactive player is one who is seated, but is not included in the rules of this round. (Typically; technically it's up to the game logic to decide what it means for them). If you have this behavior included, then the SeatPlayer move will seat the player, but also set them to be Inactive. There's another move, ActivateInactivePlayer that is a FixUp move that will run and activate all inactive players. If you want the server to seat players at any time, and want them to immediately be active, then you would add two fixup moves to always be legal at any time: SeatPlayer and ActivateInactivePlayer, so the player would be seated, and then immediately the ActivateInactivePlayer would see that there's a person to activate and do that.

By default, when game logic gets to a given seat's turn and there's no one sitting in it, the game will just wait for it to be occupied. Even when you have player.InactiveBehavior, by default it's not set to true, so logic will stall to wait for the player to come. This is the safest default. But in some cases you want to proceed and not wait for the seat to be filled. There's a FixUp move called MarkEmptySeatsInactive that when run will take any seats that are currently empty and mark as inactive. Inactive players won't be selected as NextPlayer; everything will skip over them as though they don't exist. So games where you don't want to wait for every seat to be filled can have that FixUp move apply at the end of the RoundSetUp phase (for example) so the round doesn't stall waiting.

base.GameDelegate has a NumActivePlayers(), and NumFilledSeats(), which know about the two seat/player behaviors for its count. Typically your game logic will use NumActivePlayers() for any core game logic.

PlayerIndex.Next() and Prev() consult GameDelegate.SeatMayBeActive(index int) bool. base.GameDelegate looks for the Inactivated player behaviors and does the right thing, which is how PlayerIndex.Next() continues working.

Other things to figure out:

Can seats be sat in by different players at different times? Or is "taking a seat" a one time action for a seat?

Make sure that the pattern of "game with lots of seats, few players, is easy to play in admin mode for debug purposes" continues to work.

jkomoros commented 4 years ago
jkomoros commented 4 years ago

Actually, changing Core engine's NumPlayers --> NumSeats is a HUGE change, and is actually arguably more confusing throughout. For example, playerState is still a thing, not SeatState. Best to just leave it, and have people who handle "SeatPlayer" logic puzzle through it.

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

How to inject the SeatPlayer move? The approach was going to be a game.InjectMove that runs the move ASAP as soon as it's legal to run. But that logic gets REAL funky, where the SeatPlayer move could be in a FixUp chain that it's not really part of. And the InjectMove logic gets REALLY wonky and weird.

Another approach is to have SeatPlayer just be a fixUp move, that reaches into a special stash space for players to seat in a rendevoous point in the storage manager. StorageManager would have FetchCustomDataForGame(game, datatype string) interface{}, and then ServerStorageManager would override it and look for github.com/jkomoros/boardgame/server/api.PlayerToSeat and fetch the next player record to seat.

That latter approach is better because it doesn't require a weird InjectMove and timing weirdness. But it does require one oddity: a CheckFixUpMoves() that can run even when a player move isn't applied. Without this exception, fix up moves can only be newly legal if the state changes, an the state can only change if a move is applied. That's... a tiny bit weird.

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

There's a new bug to work through. When the first player is automatically seated, because there's behaviors.Seat AND behvaiors.InactivePlayer, the player is inactivated. But that means that any PlayerIndex properties that were defaulting to 0 are now (temporarily) invalidated. This means not just CurrentPlayer, but also things like RRStartPlayer and others.

I had thought the solution was to special case allow any playerIndex when none can be valid, but in that case only the very first user is invalid, the others are still valid.

In a perfect world, if you didn't care about the current value of a player selector, you'd set it to AdminPlayerIndex. But there's no obvious place to set it to the non-zero-value, and in many cases you do want it to default to a reasonable default.

The underlying problem is that it used to be you could assume 0..numPlayers were all valid indexes, and now they can magically become invalid through spooky other action at any moment, invalidating things that used to be valid.

Why do we check for validity of playerIndexes at save? Mainly to ensure that you didn't make the mistake of just doing playerIndex++ to get to the next player in your logic, which would be confusing to find later, and we want to error early to make it easier to catch the bug in your userland logic.

One option is to stop checking whether it's valid when you save, and insted have a ReadValid() method on playerIndex, that things can use to verify the value they're reading is valid, returning the current value if the current value is allowed to be active, and calling Next() to get to the next valid value otherwise.

Note: we currently panic in Next() if no index is currently valid, but that could totally happen. In that case we should just leave it at the one it started at.

Another option: make PlayerIndex an opaque type, that's actually a struct. When serialized to/from JSON it would pretend to be just an int, but in the actual live structs it would be a struct that has a pointer to the (possibly nil) state it's in. That would disallow arithmetic on it naturally, and also let things like Next / Prev operate in place. We use playerIndex for a LOT of things in other packages, how much would need to change?

Other interesting things: AdminPlayerIndex and ObserverPlayerIndex would become pointers (that serialize to -1 and -2 in JSON)

Captured this in #763

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

With SeatPlayer, goldens need to be tweaked. The server context can/will SeatPlayers. But other contexts never will, so things that wait for it (like moves.WaitForEnoughPlayers) shouldn't even bother waiting.

In some cases you'll have a golden recorded from an environment that didn't include SeatPlayers. In others you'll have them recorded where SeatPlayers was called by the context.

Game logic should be valid when run in different contexts (e.g. server context, but also other ones).

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

This issue is almost entirely done, except for a few random TODOs here and there, leaving open just for that