jkomoros / card-web

The web app behind thecompendium.cards
Apache License 2.0
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Allow a personal reading list collection #175

Open jkomoros opened 5 years ago

jkomoros commented 5 years ago

While reading a deep-linked card you might come across links you want to read, but not right now. The Ctrl-Click behavior loads a whole other tab of the app, but ideally you'd have some way to add to a current, personal (no need to persist) reading list.

If you navigate to a card and then back (not by way of arrow keys but via link clicks) the UI should tell you about the feature

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

Should basically just be a tag, but specific to the given user

Should it be a sub collection on user or stored in a similar way as stars and reads?

Will need to do account merge logic for Anon/sign-in users

Have a button below the card that shows three state: add to reading list, on reading list and a done button if it's on reading list and you're in the reading list view

Ctrl click on a thumbnail or card-link should add to reading list (with animation of it to reading list to make it clear what's happening)

Allow reordering of your own reading list (as admin can do in sections today)

Have a reading list link in nav bar

Card-thumbnail and -preview should show whether the current card is on reading list

Have a tip about reading list once you've clicked on a few links

When you are viewing reading list and hit done on the current card the thumbnail should gray out showing that it's off the list even though it doesn't disappear immediately (this mechanism ideally would happen with any diff from pendingFilter to filter)

jkomoros commented 4 years ago

Reading lists are unlike tags in that they actually do encode an order. Currently the default orders come only from the active set, the first item in the URL (and currently always all). That implies that reading-list is another set entirely. But there are some use-cases where you want a reading-list as a filter, so I guess it makes sense to also create a filter for reading-list, like we do for sections and tags, in makeFilterFromSection

jkomoros commented 4 years ago