jkomoros / card-web

The web app behind thecompendium.cards
Apache License 2.0
46 stars 8 forks source link

Allow downloading cards as an OpenAI fine-tuning prompt #645

Open jkomoros opened 1 year ago

jkomoros commented 1 year ago


It should generate strings like

Generate a riff in the style of ${APP_TITLE} that contains the following words:

Usage Patterns More Value Subsidize Whale Underwater Business


General business goal: the more value the user gets, the more value extracted out to the provider of the business. If not, you have a pricing problem, or a problem where some users subsidize others, and you're very exposed to usage patterns--you're effectively leveraged. If you modeled your whale usage wrong or some kind of conditions change that change usage patterns for lots of users you could be underwater.


Where the 'following words' is the dedupedPrettyItemsFromCard from the fingerprint of each card, and the body of the text is the innerText of the card.

It should be a maintenance task that generates a JSONL file and downloads it

jkomoros commented 1 year ago