[x] Figure out why some references aren't showing up in the links
[x] Add a diagram output in README
[x] if includePrivate is false, the output is incorrect -- private sub-seeds of public seeds are rendered (but with an ugly name), and links from a public one to a private one then back out to a public one, instead of showing a link from the public one to the public one, shows no link between them
[ ] If includePrivate is false, and a public seed links to private ones, which then link out to a private one, show a link from the public to public one.
[ ] Include tooltips with more information on each one, including the values they have set
[x] Links that contain numbers aren't handled correctly, they don't match (if it ends with a number, add an underscore)
[ ] Elide text that is a prefix of their parent (for private ones) for shorter graph names
[x] Private seeds should be rendered a bit darker
[x] Render remote subgraph in a different color
[x] Allow specifyign to diagram() a location or list of locations to filter to. (If not provided, then use Object.keys(this._seeds)). Then any external ref whose absolute location isn't in the set of locations we're using will get the remote treatment that we currently do for https seeds.
[x] Allow specifying this subset via CLI argument (same argument we use to say list a packet, --packet)
[x] A mode to pretend like all private seeds are a part of their parent and just squash them in
Will help with debugging control flows
property that outputs a mermaid diagram defintiion--packet