jkotlinski / durexforth

Modern C64 Forth
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SAVEB messes up current input stream #512

Closed jkotlinski closed 1 year ago

jkotlinski commented 1 year ago

When compiling Durexforth initially, the final line in base.fs (".( ok!) cr") does not execute.

It works again when commenting out the saveb call in save-pack.

Whammo commented 1 year ago

My best guess?

loop   LDA $90       ; get STATUS flags
        BNE .eof      ; either EOF or error
        JSR $FFA5     ; call IECIN (get byte from IEC bus)
        JSR $FFD2     ; call CHROUT (print byte to screen)
        JMP .loop     ; next byte
.eof   JSR $FFAB     ; call UNTLK <--------=
         JMP $FFCC    ; CLRCHN <----------=
Whammo commented 1 year ago

in _errorchread

jkotlinski commented 1 year ago

That does not seem to help.

Whammo commented 1 year ago

It completes the save?