jkramer / shell-fm

Lightweight console-based radio player for Last.FM radio streams.
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Request: When no appropriate token is present, `shell-fm -d` should exit with non-zero status, and send the token url to std_err. #81

Open AndydeCleyre opened 11 years ago

AndydeCleyre commented 11 years ago

As it is, with no token or an expired token, launching shell-fm normally (not as a daemon) exits immediately with error status and an error message:

This token has not been authorized. Failed to create session. Please refresh authorization. Please open http://www.last.fm/api/auth/?token=[ . . . ] in your browser to authorize shell-fm.

In contrast, launching shell-fm with the -d flag under the same circumstances appears from the outside to be a silent success, but in reality exits immediately as well, only with no error status, no error message, and no url.

I request that running shell-fm -d without an appropriate token result in a non-zero exit status, and the token url output to std_err.