jku / repository-playground

Community artifact repository workflow experiments
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git-repo: handle delegation changes that lead to unsigned roles #36

Open jku opened 1 year ago

jku commented 1 year ago

if e.g. targets key is changed (or threshold raised), this currently does not automatically lead to targets re-signing.

Something (either the playground-delegate that modifies root, or the signing-event GH action itself) should trigger signing for targets in the same event, I think. It probably makes sense for playground-delegate to do it (since it may actually be able to sign for targets itself right away)

So offline solution: When a delegation (or just one of the public key contents of the delegation) in a delegator is modified, playground-delegate should create a new version of the delegated metadata. The idea is that the delegated metadata should be signed in the same signing event where the delegation changes: this way we never end up with repository versions where metadata is just incorrectly signed

jku commented 1 year ago

The other special case here is online roles: if the online roles (in practice the keys in the role) change in root metadata, we need to resign snapshot & timestamp.

Possible online role solution 1: even though root changes in general don't necessitate a snapshot+timestamp, it might be useful to generate them anyway every time there is a root change (because publish is currently triggered by timestamp -- so root changes would not trigger it). Since do_snapshot() process does not necessarily have knowledge of "did root change?" this might not be a useful path.

Possible online role solution 2: if do_snapshot() thinks a new snapshot is not needed, it should still check if the current snapshot is valid. If not, it should create a new snapshot even if the actual content does not change. This would catch the case where the online key defined in root has changed