jkuester / unlauncher

Android minimalistic launcher
MIT License
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Weather widget #222

Open CubeOfCheese opened 6 months ago

CubeOfCheese commented 6 months ago

In addition to the date and time, I would appreciate having a simple weather forecast on my homescreen. This would definitely need to be an optional widget as I'm sure not everyone would want it. Mostly I want to know if it's going to rain that day.

I imagine this could be a pretty difficult if not impossible feature to add, but it would be quite nice. Thanks!

tozpeak commented 6 months ago

I feel like this may be against the purpose of the project.

Maybe you would like mine setup for a similar problem:

  1. Got a decent looking app for the weather. I choose Clima, but it's a matter of personal taste. It was a result for 15 minutes of randomly picking F-Droid apps until getting all features I want on a single screen.
  2. Pinned it to the Main screen.
  3. Renamed it to Weather, so it is obvious forever.

I feel like for the usecase of checking a weather once a day, opening a lightweight app might be less distracting than having this info on the Main screen.

However, it could be implemented as an elegant feature. But my workaround might be good enough for you as well.

jkuester commented 6 months ago

I feel like this may be against the purpose of the project.

The way I see it, the principals of Unlauncher are simply to avoid clutter and distraction while still providing useful functionality. When it comes to "widgets" for displaying some kind of information, I guess there is a pretty big grey area as to what counts as "useful" and what is just "distracting". For example, the existing Time/Date seems useful, but maybe a stock-ticker graph with current stock prices would just be distracting. To me it seems that weather info falls somewhere in between. If we could find a clean way to optionally display the weather info that does not add a huge burden for future maintenance of the code, I would be open to having this feature. In the interest of avoiding clutter, though, I would probably suggest that the weather info should replace the Time/Date on the home screen (so you could choose to show one or the other, but not both). (And of course the Time/Date would be shown by default.)

Some tricky considerations with weather are:

I see the current lack of external API requests and low number of permissions in Unlauncher as benefits (both to the code simplicity as well as user peace-of-mind knowing exactly what the app is doing (and not doing)). Hopefully, if we move forward with some sort of weather widget, we could find a way to retain as much of these benefits as possible!

khwolf commented 5 months ago

Could be a duplacte of #172, if we implement to accept all widgets and let the user choose...