jkuester / unlauncher

Android minimalistic launcher
MIT License
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Remove `time_format` preference #231

Open jkuester opened 5 months ago

jkuester commented 5 months ago

Unless someone has a really good use-case as to why they need Unlauncher to not always just follow the system time settings, I think we should just remove this preference that the associated logic.

To be clear, Unlauncher clocks should still support 12/24hr times, but they can always just follow the system settings. We don't need an extra preference to track this.

khwolf commented 5 months ago

Actually i like the binary 12h clock (one bit less to compute in my head), yet with a digital clock i prefer 24h.

elSolus commented 5 months ago

Binary clock is good. How many good launchers provide this these days anyway? Keep it please. None, digital, analogue, binary all are fine.

jkuester commented 4 months ago

:+1: Sorry, just to be clear, this issue is not about removing the clock itself or any of the variants (digital, analogue, binary, etc). Right now Unlauncher maintains a preference value which determines if the clock should display the time in the 12 hour format or the 24 hour format. I am considering removing this preference from Unlauncher since it could be considered redundant since Android, itself, already has a preference the user can set for this (and Unlauncher supports reading that preference to set the clock format...).

elSolus commented 4 months ago

Oh, yeah, sorry read it wrong. I am with you on this one. No redundancy needed.

khwolf commented 4 months ago

Exept for example like me who prefers the binary clock in 12h mode, but the "system clock" e.g in the top bar in 24h mode...

Another way to reach it would be to offer 4-bit and 5-bit digital clocks. The only other clock that (could) be affected would be the analog clock. Anyone wants a 24h analog clock? ;-)

gitwah commented 2 months ago

On that note I'd like to add that the date underneath the home screen clock is following the American date convention (e.g.: Tue, July 9.) despite my system preference being D-M-Y (e.g.: Tue, 9. July),. Could this be changed to just follow system preference? Thank you