Closed lizhiqi49 closed 2 months ago
Hi, it was removed as it isn't needed. The last coord is just 1-sum of other coords (or the first one, I don't remember which one it was, but I think the last one).
Hi, I found the cuda code for barycentric interpolation as below:
template <uint32_t interpolation_dim>
__global__ void interpolate_values_kernel(const uint32_t num_vertices,
const uint32_t num_values,
const uint32_t field_dim,
const uint32_t *vertex_indices,
const float *barycentric_coordinates,
const float *field,
float *result) {
constexpr unsigned int empty = ~((unsigned int)0u);
unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i >= num_values) return;
unsigned int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
float out = 0;
float weight = 0;
#pragma unroll
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < interpolation_dim - 1; ++k) {
const float &w = barycentric_coordinates[i * (interpolation_dim - 1) + k];
const auto &vi = vertex_indices[i * interpolation_dim + k + 1];
if (vi != empty)
out += w * field[j * num_vertices + vi];
weight += w;
if (vertex_indices[i * interpolation_dim] != empty)
out += (1.0f - weight) * field[j * num_vertices + vertex_indices[i * interpolation_dim]];
result[j * num_values + i] = out;
It seems that the one missing barycentric coord is corresponding to the first vertex in the 4-dim vertex_indices
. But I'm not sure since I'm not skillful on C++ and CUDA programming. Could you have a look on this?
Yes, you are correct, sorry for the confusion! So in order to get full barycentrics, just do, keepdim=True).mul(-1).add(1), b), -1)
or something like this.
I got it! Thanks for your nice reply!
Hi, thanks for your nice work!
I'm running your code according to your instructions. I find that the barycentric coords are of dimension 3 rather than 4 in the output of
. And I notice that those barycentric coordinates were of dimension 4 in your previous versions, as mentioned by #16 .I'm confused about this change. Could you please explain it for me? Sorry for bothering you and thanks for your time in advance!