jkuusama / LitePlacer-retired-experiment

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Move camera to homing mark for auto calibration of mm-pixel ratio #14

Open mrandt opened 9 years ago

mrandt commented 9 years ago

Suggestion: Why not move the camera to homing mark location automatically when clicking "auto calibrate" for downfacing camera?

It currently assumes that a mark is in the field of view. If there is non, calibration will fail.

For calibration of upward camera, the nozzle is also automatically moved into the field of view.

thethereza commented 9 years ago

it gives you more flexibilty. easy enough to click on it after you finish homing and have the same effect. also you shouldn't need to do it more than once after any change to the system.

mrandt commented 9 years ago

OK, I get your idea. What filter does calibration use, is it the same as homing?

Maybe a good compromise: Extend instructions slightly. Once user clicks "calibrate down cam", display instruction "jog machine so that a homing mark is visible to camera", click "next", machine runs calibration.

That would eliminate a source of error.